[kj] hi all
Wed, 27 Aug 2003 13:10:33 +0100
bluce ree sed...
> Well feck em i say. Its exactly what the music industry needs. To be destroyed.
> It's not as if record sales are the only thing these people look
> for. It's like everyone is in a car/GAP/whatever else advert. It's
> all crap, like they haven't got enough money already.
Well people are cattle to be harvested by industry. The elite at the
top need to be kept in the manner they have become accustomed to. this
is why the cult worship of celebrities was created and is constantly
being maintained. So some people can feel important and earn money
from it. Fuck them. I'll go to jail for assaulting Tom Cruise if I
ever meet him. He's got it coming. Kick in the bollocks. I don't care
what comes after. My life is building to that moment. If I can do it
on TV even better. He can wince painfully into the camera.
> Being charged 15 quid for CDs and all that. it's a disgrace.
True... CDs seems cheaper in europe and in the states. It's in the Uk
people pay £15 for a CD, mainly because that's the price they can get
away with.
> People will still make music. It just means that HMV and the NME
> wont be able to tell people how to think anymore. I still blame them
> for 'The Darkness'.
A lot of people who want to make music won't be able to because they'll
be too busy working. and the death throws of the music biz will be
long and destructive and the last to go will be the ones with the
money and the power to hold out.
np: And One - Krieger (No Future Popmischung by Olaf Wollschlaeger)