Rob's Arse
Thu, 18 Dec 2003 11:45:50 -0800 (PST)
) Your Name: Rob Moss
2) Your Age: 35
3) Are you married and have you any children? Yes 2 boys
4) I live here: Oxford
5) I've been a member of the Gathering since: God! It feels like life
6) What do you want for X-mas? A shag
7) Your biggest extravagance of the year? A huge house extension
8) Your biggest hopes for 2004? Some peace
9) What was the last album you bought,why, and how is it?: Actually, I think it was K J
10) Not including the new Killing Joke album, what were your top five favorite releases of the year?
Hardly bought anything. Was the QOTSA album this year?
11) What live bands have you seen recently. Did they rate? Smilex from Oxford last night. Superb!
12) Worst music you heard all year: DARKNESS
13) If I find out that the person I'm talking to is a big fan of _Will Young______, I lose all interest in talking to them (note: your answer need not be restricted to music)
14) Band(s) most in need of reforming/touring/releasing new material:Stranglers
15) Band(s) most in need of hanging it up and calling it a day: Travis
16) Albums most in need of re-mastering and re-release deluxe stylee: All KJ!
17) Most overrated music of the year: Mine!
18) Most underrated music of the year: Mine!
19) Next to Killing Joke, my top five favorite bands/artists are: Adam Ant/Stranglers/Damned/Julian Cope/Pistols
20) Express your views on Killing Joke's presence on the Internet Getting better!
22) Regarding the Joke, despite all the rumormongering, I'd really like the following to happen: One more studio album at least with Raven and Ted
23) Did you get to see Killing Joke on this tour? If so, briefly explain your reaction. Hard on
24) What would you have rather seen on the album cover, other than the red Krusty Clown? Mike Cole's Bum
25) Favorite track on the new album: Total Invasion
26) Least favorite track on the new album: Dark Forces
27) Were it up to you to have chosen the first single, it would have been:
28) Have you managed to see "the Year of the Devil" as yet? Your thoughts?
29) Outside of Andy Gill, who would you like to see produce the next Killing Joke record? Killing Joke
30) Killing Joke track that best sums up the world today:Blood on your hands
31) Have you bought anything from Malicious Damage yet? If not, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Yes. A Killing Joke strap on. In purple
32) Goods you'd like to see made available on Mike Coles estimable site?
There's enough for me.
33) Following the 2004 Elections, I'd like to see this man in the White House:
34) Do you feel 'safer' now that Saddam Hussein has been apprehended? No different
35) Now that he's in custody, I would handle Saddam this way: As a human being.
36) Where is Osama Bin Laden: KFC
37) Have we seen the last of terrorism courtesy of Islamists on the homefront (US/UK/EUR)? Fraid not
38) Do you feel prepared for another such instance?
39) Do you think Iraq had anything to do with the events of September 11, 2001? No
40) Where were you/what were you doing on that day? Having lunch with some Japanese visitors
41) Were you the next American president, your first act in office would be: Redecorate. Paint teh whitehouse pink
42) Tony Blair is a: _gaylord________.
43) They want replace Franklin Delano Roosevelt's face on the American Dime with the face of Ronald Reagan. What is your reaction: Why not go the whole hog and have Ronald McDonald?
44) George W. Bush is an idiot: True or False. Explain your feeling why you feel this way. Support your argument:False. You Americans aren't THAT stupid :-)
45) Under which American administration was the world/your own situation better off: Bush's or Clinton's? Clinton. He didn't like the taste of blood
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