[kj] KJ producer

Leigh Newton gathering@misera.net
Fri, 19 Dec 2003 09:02:57 -0800 (PST)

I agree, it would be a sucky match, but you gotta
admit-some of those Jesus Lizard albums he did kicked
a lot of ass. Particularily Liar. The sound of that
album really blew my head off back when it came out.


--- "J.Paul Owens" <john_paul_owens@hotmail.com>
> >Having Steve Albini produce (oh, pardon me Steve,
> "record") a Killing Joke
> >record would be an insult to all involved.
> Agree 100% Alex. In fact I don't know if I can think
> of a worse producer for 
> the Joke. He has produced the odd stunner ("Surfer
> Rosa" springs to mind) 
> but for the most part i son't 'get it'. Sound tinny
> to me. Still love big 
> Black + (some) Shellac though (Was anyone else
> unfortunate to buy '1000 
> Hurts'? s.t.i.n.k.e.r.).
> john-paul
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