Dammit Bleep gathering@misera.net
Sun, 21 Dec 2003 02:14:14 +0000

<html><div style='background-color:'><P><FONT face="Courier New"><STRONG>24) What would you have rather seen on the album cover, other than the red Krusty Clown? YESYESYESYES </STRONG></FONT><BR></P>
<P>I must amend this answer. I misread (at work). I would like to have seen Kid Rock's skull being smashed by a certain golden guitar.</P>
<P>Thank you,</P>
<DIV>Saepe ne utile quidem est scire quid futurum sit. &gt;From: "Dammit Bleep" <BLACKHAWKSCRANK@HOTMAIL.COM>&gt;Reply-To: gathering@misera.net &gt;To: gathering@misera.net &gt;Subject: RE: [kj] YEAR END POLL FOR `03 &gt;Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2003 00:50:21 +0000 &gt; &gt; &gt;1) Your Name: Jim &gt; &gt;2) Your Age: 30 &gt; &gt;3) Are you married and have you any children? No and no &gt;(thankfully). &gt; &gt;4) I live here: Dayton, Ohio &gt; &gt;5) I've been a member of the Gathering since: Last Spring &gt; &gt;6) What do you want for X-mas? Ca$h baby! &gt; &gt;7) Your biggest extravagance of the year? Trip to Chicago to see &gt;Wire. &gt; &gt;8) Your biggest hopes for 2004? Realistic: A second KJ tour so I can &gt;see them this time. Optimistic: The US MOSTLY out of Iraq. &gt;Pessimistic: Another Bloody Election. &gt; &gt;9) What was the last album you bought,why, and how is it?: Cop Shoot &gt;Cop- Release. It's good as far as the overal band goes, but clearly &gt;not their best. They resemble a band that was on their way out, &gt;which is what they were. &gt; &gt;10) Not including the new Killing Joke album, what were your top &gt;five favorite releases of the year? &gt; &gt;1-Placebo- Sleeping With Ghosts &gt;2- WIRE- Send &gt;3- The Fire Theft- The Fire Theft &gt;4- TV On The Radio- Young Liars &gt;5- Radiohead- Hail To The Thief &gt; &gt;11) What live bands have you seen recently. Did they rate? Last one &gt;seen was TV On The Radio in Newport, KY. They were very good live. &gt;The album is good, but the live instrumentation is fabulous. Saw &gt;Wire in June. Enough said. The boys still got it. Saw Interpol in &gt;Newport early in the year. A bit sleepy, but excellent. &gt; &gt;12) Worst music you heard all year: Most anything oncorporate radio &gt;(too numerous to mention). &gt; &gt;13) If I find out that the person I'm talking to is a big fan of &gt;CREED, I lose all interest in talking to them (note: your answer &gt;need not be restricted to music) &gt; &gt;14) Band(s) most in need of reforming/touring/releasing new &gt;material: Original FEAR, Catherine Wheel, Headswim, Jawbox, Course &gt;Of Empire, Shudder To Think &gt; &gt;15) Band(s) most in need of hanging it up and calling it a &gt;day:CREED, Red Hot Chili Peppers &gt; &gt;16) Albums most in need of re-mastering and re-release deluxe &gt;stylee: WIRE- A Bell Is A Cup..., FEAR- More Beer, &gt; &gt;17) Most overrated music of the year: Norah Freakin' Shankar Jones &gt; &gt;18) Most underrated music of the year: KJ-KJ &gt; &gt;19) Next to Killing Joke, my top five favorite bands/artists are: &gt;(In no particular order) Jawbox, Bowie, Gang Of Four, Shudder To &gt;Think, Catherine Wheel &gt; &gt;20) Express your views on Killing Joke's presence on the Internet: &gt;What presence? Oh, you must mean that little "official" site that &gt;was once a shockingly new jewel turned old, out-dated and almost &gt;taking up more bandwith than it's worth. &gt; &gt;22) Regarding the Joke, despite all the rumormongering, I'd really &gt;like the following to happen: Another US tour leg...work on a &gt;follow-up. &gt; &gt;23) Did you get to see Killing Joke on this tour? If so, briefly &gt;explain your reaction: Sadly, no. &gt; &gt;24) What would you have rather seen on the album cover, other than &gt;the red Krusty Clown? YESYESYESYES &gt; &gt;25) Favorite track on the new album: At the moment: Implant &gt; &gt;26) Least favorite track on the new album: Loose Cannon &gt; &gt;27) Were it up to you to have chosen the first single, it would have &gt;been: Death and Resurrection Show. &gt; &gt;28) Have you managed to see "the Year of the Devil" as yet? Your &gt;thoughts? No. &gt; &gt;29) Outside of Andy Gill, who would you like to see produce the next &gt;Killing Joke record? (Snicker) Martin Atkins. &gt; &gt;30) Killing Joke track that best sums up the world today: Invasion &gt; &gt;31) Have you bought anything from Malicious Damage yet? If not, WHAT &gt;THE FUCK ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Good Credit. &gt; &gt;32) Goods you'd like to see made available on Mike Coles estimable &gt;site? Paris Hilton Video T-Shirts that read: Paris Hilton: WHO GIVES &gt;A FUCK?!!! &gt; &gt;33) Following the 2004 Elections, I'd like to see this man in the &gt;White House: Dunno. &gt; &gt;34) Do you feel 'safer' now that Saddam Hussein has been &gt;apprehended? From the network media? Yes. &gt; &gt;35) Now that he's in custody, I would handle Saddam this way: Take &gt;him on a tour through Afghanistan. &gt; &gt;36) Where is Osama Bin Laden: Working for a big record company. Not &gt;sure which. &gt; &gt;37) Have we seen the last of terrorism courtesy of Islamists on the &gt;homefront (US/UK/EUR)? Are you fuckin' KIDDING me?! &gt; &gt;38) Do you feel prepared for another such instance? Who can be &gt;prepared as a civillian for such things? &gt; &gt;39) Do you think Iraq had anything to do with the events of &gt;September 11, 2001? No. &gt; &gt;40) Where were you/what were you doing on that day? at some slut's &gt;house. I was sleeping. &gt; &gt;41) Were you the next American president, your first act in office &gt;would be: Order an investigation into American Intelligence sources &gt;before, during and after the war in Iraq. &gt; &gt;42) Tony Blair is a: Prime Minister. &gt; &gt;43) They want replace Franklin Delano Roosevelt's face on the &gt;American Dime with the face of Ronald Reagan. What is your reaction: &gt;Who uses dimes or real money these days aside from me? &gt; &gt;44) George W. Bush is an idiot: True or False. Explain your feeling &gt;why you feel this way. Support your argument: True. However, every &gt;president has been an idiot dating back to the begining of the 20th &gt;century at some time or another. GWB and his handlers have such a &gt;hard-on for forcing whatever policy/action they deem necessary (ie- &gt;the war in Iraq, the tax break, infiltrating privacy of citizens &gt;under the guise of the War on Terroism) &gt; &gt;45) Under which American administration was the world/your own &gt;situation better off: Bush's or Clinton's? &gt;Seemingly Clinton's, however, we cannot fault GWB's Admin for &gt;missing 9/11. Since then,however, the thing's the US has done in the &gt;name of Homeland Security and the War on Terrorism has been nothing &gt;short of militants foaming at the pie hole. &gt; &gt;_________________________________________________________________ &gt;Tired of slow downloads? Compare online deals from your local &gt;high-speed providers now. https://broadband.msn.com &gt; &gt;_______________________________________________ &gt;Gathering mailing list &gt;Gathering@misera.net &gt;http://four.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/gathering </DIV></div><br clear=all><hr> <a href="http://g.msn.com/8HMBENUS/2752??PS=">Have fun customizing MSN Messenger — learn how here! </a> </html>