[kj] OT: Alex Out of NYC

Alex Smith gathering@misera.net
Mon, 22 Dec 2003 10:49:55 -0500

Hey gang....

Going to Texas for a week. Leaving in fifteen minutes. Just wanted to say a
few things:

1. Sorry for all the needless feather-ruffling. I'm under a TREMENDOUS
amount of stress these days, and to compound matters, I bought a new
computer (iMac OS X, 17" monitor, etc.) on Saturday that on Sunday night
refused to work (patent refusal to boot-up). I called Mac support, who
valiantly tried to talk me through it, but they gave up and suggested I go
back to where I bought it. Suffice to say, this was not good news. Being
that I just dropped a significant amount of cash on it, I'm now going to
probably pay anthoer couple of hundred just to get the fucker fixed (I'm
typing at you on my OLD, OUT-of-DATE yet STILL RELIABLE computer. Bless it).
So, anyway, it has me ROYALLY pissed off, as you can imagine. Must be karmic
retribution for all they hypocrisy that falls out of my flapping mouth, eh? 

2. Don't un-sub me, but don't expect to hear anything from me before the
29th. I can only imagine your disapointment.

3. Merry Christmas, Merry Kwanzaa, Merry Solstice, Happy Chanukkah, Happy
New Year, etc. Hope I didn't leave out any faiths there. 

4. Killing Joke Uber Alles.

Alex in NYC...