[kj] album release
Mon, 28 Jul 2003 19:02:58 +0100
wardance sed...
> Just got my copy today from the Virgin Megastore, and indeed, what a fuckin' GREAT album !!!!
> Nevertheless, the version that we got here in France has only 10 tracks, and "Inferno" is not on it... :-(
> ...So does anyone have it as a (good quality) MP3 ??...
Not yet. Hopefully tomorrow :)
> It would be more than appreciated (never heard this track before), you can believe me !!! ;-)
> Thanx !
> Apart from that, did anyone notice the fact that some of the tracks (and especially "The Death and Resurrection Show") are not EXACTLY the same versions as the ones we picked up from the official
> KJ website ?...
> Indeed some of these tracks are little bit different, so did the previous versions come from another recording session or something ?....
The tracks on the website where edits. At least D&RS & Seeing Red are
longer on the album. Something which gave me the idea that one or both
may get singleized at some point. Seeing Red almost certainly.