Phillipps Marc gathering@misera.net
Tue, 29 Jul 2003 12:03:11 +0100

>Someone should really set up a list of gatherers who desire tickets.

A Gatherer - Ticket dating agency ?

As far as I know there should be a few spares flying around nearer the date,
I'm still waiting for my tickets (Stargreen promise that I'll have them bt
the end of the week) so I guess others are as well . . . 

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	PRAEst76 [SMTP:praest76___@dsl.pipex.com]
> Sent:	Tuesday, July 29, 2003 8:39 AM
> To:	wittz@btinternet.com
> Subject:	Re: [kj] Good Day   CAMDEN TICKETS
> wittz@btinternet.com sed...
> >>>Camden tickets are still available???? 
> > Where where where.
> > I need one desperately.
> Nah, someone misread. They sold out months ago. I think nearer the
> date some people may have spares when they confirm what tickets they
> got are going to be used and which aren't.
> Someone should really set up a list of gatherers who desire tickets.
> -- 
> PRAEst76
> http://www.apxf85.dsl.pipex.com/praest76
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