[kj] Two more reviews
Matt Platts
Tue, 29 Jul 2003 17:58:29 +0100
....twelfth (or thereabouts) album???
Nice to see journalists doing their research properly...
At 11:42 29/07/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>"The one exception is You'll Never Get To Me, which is bizarrely
>reminiscent of Pink or Christina Aguilera."
>This writer must die. Now. His heart should be ripped from his sternum and
>shown to him in the fleeting seconds before his expiration. His lifeless
>carcass should then be butchered and fed to a gaggle of rabid wolverines,
>and their ensuing steaming, viscous dung should be burnt and spread all over
>a wide patch of unhallowed ground in a haphazzard manner so that the
>writer's loved ones many never visit their whearabouts.
>"Jane's Addiction, who ripped them off, are back"
>I must say, I don't hear any similarity between Jane's Addiction and Killing
>Alex in NYC
> >From: "nicholas fitzpatrick" <gasw30@hotmail.com>
> >To: gathering@misera.net
> >Subject: [kj] Two more reviews
> >Date: Tue, Jul 29, 2003, 10:33 AM
> >
> >Sunday Mail:
> >
> >Killing Joke ***
> >
> >Zuma / July 28
> >
> >If much of this album sounds over-familiar, it's because Killing Joke are
> >victims of their own success. Their lyrical obsession with war was so
> >prescient as to now seem cliched and their heavy sound has hit the
> >mainstream. Even Foo Fighters and ex-Nirvana star Dave Grohl's drumming is
> >competent rather than remarkable. The one exception is You'll Never Get To
> >Me, which is bizarrely reminiscent of Pink or Christina Aguilera. Killing
> >Joke have never been strangers to the anthemic, but this was still a
> >pleasant surprise.
> >
> >
> >The Observer.
> >
> >
> >Killing Joke (Zuma)
> >
> >Electro, new wave and punk-funk may all be enjoying a resurgence, but there
> >are limits to the early Eighties revival. Aren't there? Post-punk bogeymen
> >Killing Joke are back in the Top 40, and no less an icon than Dave Grohl
> >(Foo Fighters/ Nirvana) plays drums on the Joke's twelfth (or thereabouts)
> >album. Jane's Addiction, who ripped them off, are back, and Tool - ditto -
> >remain one of the biggest bands in America. Reassuringly, though, Killing
> >Joke sounds quite fashion-proof. Scary Jaz Coleman bangs on about occult
> >powers over tribal backings like the Millennium never happened. You're left
> >with a grudging admiration, but this dated witchy churn won't travel far
> >past a metal audience.
> >
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