[kj] OT - what are the odds

sade1 gathering@misera.net
Tue, 29 Jul 2003 16:12:06 -0700 (PDT)

As long as it doesn't turn into that
gambling-scene from the Deer Hunter where
everyone's betting and deNiro 
finds Nikky as he's about to
 blow his brains out...
 "Mau, Mau!!"

Society Stands on Solid Foundations:
Money..assets before lives...
rewards for the killings..saving what's left
..fuck the rest**

life for cash..
the appliance of science to privatize..
(lives are..business)..Business is..business...

**(just treat me like a commodity..and pull the trigger...)
Los Angeles Times Today,

[someone else had posted this earlier]

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