[kj] Another bloody review - mine!
Thu, 31 Jul 2003 12:20:19 +0100
nicholas fitzpatrick sed...
> I first began to have my doubts about this album when I read that the drums
> were being recorded in California and f-ing emailed to a studio somewhere
> else in the world to be mixed. I thought that sounded utterly sh-t.
> Pessimists pictured an internet society where people would forsake
> physically interaction with each other to instead ‘hide’ behind computers -
> well, it seems Killing Joke have just put together an album without actually
> meeting. And this from a lead singer that apparently has no time for such
> means of communication!
Erm, wasn't Jaz AT the drum session, and I thought I saw Goerdie in
the drum sessions DVD footage but I'll admit i wasn't paying full
attention there?
But yes, I'd prefer it if the band all pilled into a studio for a
month and got as psyched into the whole process as Jaz obviously was.
I'd give the album 3 or 4 personally. But then I liked Extremities.