[kj] message from jaz

PRAEst76 gathering@misera.net
Fri, 27 Jun 2003 11:40:41 +0100

pr 001 sed...

> sorry if someone already mentioned this but there's a message from jaz in 
> the news section @ kj.com that's rather amusing. it reads like a kid 
> pretending to be jaz coleman. reminds me of that lame aktins letter to ODIC 
> ("there are forces at work ... get out of the fucking way..."). i do wish 
> they'd stop talking to us like a bunch of adolescent metalers. "there is not 
> a single track on our new opus that i do not passionately." doesn't make a 
> whole lot of sense for someone who rarely communicates with the outside 
> world unless he has something significant to say! the rest is poppycock, 
> too.

I noticed that, i assumed it was some bad typing. There is enough
typos on the site as it is. I mean, what's this Equiemat he joined the
Foos on stage for??

As for the rest of what Jaz wrote... it sounded like the kinda stuff
an ex girlfriend of my would write when she was on the blob.
