[kj] interview with a CIA 'vampire'

sade1 gathering@misera.net
Fri, 27 Jun 2003 13:40:34 -0700 (PDT)

Here's ONE take - - -

--- Jel <jelbod@btinternet.com> wrote:
>  I honestly dont believe that the American government were aware of a  total information target,
> nobody could let that happen with all those lives to be lost. Information 
> about a 'possible' attack yes, but come on, this is the U.S of A 

 From Truth Out --- http://truthout.org/docs_03/062603B.shtml  
Interview: 27-Year CIA Veteran by Will Pitt
            t r u t h o u t | Interview 
            Thursday 26 June 2003
"[Will] PITT:      There was the August 6 2001 briefing...
 [Ray] McGovern**: On August 6[2001], the title of the briefing was, “Bin Laden Determined to
Strike in the US,” and that briefing had the word “Hijacking” in it. That’s all I know about it,
but that’s quite enough. In September, Bush had to make a decision. Is it feasible to let go of
Tenet, whose agency flubbed the dub on this one? And the answer was no, because Tenet knows too
much about what Bush knew, and Bush didn’t know what to do about it. That’s the bottom line …
Bush was well-briefed.[OK, he’s a briefs guy] …he was told all these things. He didn’t even have
the presence of mind to convene his National Security Council and say, “OK guys,…what are we going
to do about it?” He just went off to chop wood."

"...George Bush had...to keep George Tenet on as [CIA] Director, because George Tenet had warned
Bush repeatedly, for months and months before September 11, that something very bad was about to

**Ray McGovern was a CIA analyst for 27 years, serving seven Presidents. He is on the Steering
Group of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity. He is co-director of the Servant
Leadership School, an outreach ministry in the inner city of Washington.

"...if we’re going to have this war, let’s do the al Qaeda-Iraq connection. That’s the traumatic
one. 9/11 is still a traumatic thing for most Americans. Let’s do that.”

General Wesley Clark…mentioned that he was called at his home by the White House on September 11
and told to make the connection between those terrorist attacks and Saddam…on the day of the
attacks, told to say that this was state-sponsored terrorism and there must be a connection. … he
said “Where’s the evidence?”  there was no evidence, [so] he didn’t say what they wanted him to…

 PITT: So what we have, essentially, is in the run-up to the war the Secretary of State of the
United States of America was cramming for a major exam like a freshman in high school.
  McG: Yes
Rice and Cheney convening in CIA headquarters to sit around a table and help with the
analysis…give me a break!  That’s antithetical to the whole ethic of analysis.

It’s demonstrable that senior officials of this government, including the Vice President, knew
that it was a forgery in March of last year. It was used anyway to deceive our Congressmen and
Senators into voting for an unprovoked war. …We know he was told in early March of last year that
the documents were forgeries…


--- Jel <jelbod@btinternet.com> wrote:
 I honestly dont believe
> that the American government were aware of a  total information target,
> nobody could let that happen with all those lives to be lost. Information
> about a 'possible' attack yes, but come on, this is the U.S of A 

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