[kj] Addition to the cover version library
Mark Kolmar
Sat, 28 Jun 2003 16:27:41 -0500 (Central Daylight Time)
On Sat, 28 Jun 2003, Leigh Newton wrote:
> not that i want to stick up for Metallica (they
> started sucking on Justice and haven't looked back
> since)
I like the new album. The first couple times through I couldn't decide
whether it sucked very badly. It would be easy to throw rotten tomatoes,
and one could mistake a "return to form" as a good album on its own
merits. But I found myself drawn into it well enough, unlike _Load_ and
the even-worse _Reload_ (and _S&M_ and _Garage Inc._ which seem too
pointless to consider at all).
> but-if you're not going to reinterpret a cover
> song and make it your own, what's the point? doing a
> spot-on replication is beyond redundant, especially
> where The Wait is concerned. WHat, they're gonna do it
> better?
That was a really sloppy rendition.