[kj] jaz

pr 001 gathering@misera.net
Fri, 23 May 2003 06:00:06 -0400

>From: mike coles <mike@studio-c.co.uk>
>I've been chasing him around NZ by fax to sign a t-shirt licensing 
>agreement for a company in the states.
>It was late night over there and he was a little "laid back".

i sincerely hope he cuts down on the hash for the tour. it really doesn't do 
his singing any good at all.

>If I talk to him again I'll ask him what colour socks he's wearing and what 
>he had for lunch.

if he's been on the bongs all morning probably 94 packets of crips!

>I think he was a bit embarrassed about me being kicked off the artwork by 
>big shite.

and so he should be.

>Anyway he said he'll fax me the agreement tomorrow.
>So I'll have his autograph and you won't!!

zat is vere you are rrong messieur, for ve have ze autographed box set.

>mikey c

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