[kj] Fixed me sound card....

Tim Bucknall gathering@misera.net
Sat, 24 May 2003 20:52:20 +0100

i went to a dismally small record fair today but did at least get "the light
at the end of the tunnel" by the damned
and there are 2 different dammed tracks that sound very much like "implant"
in terms of bass & drums

i can't remember which!

the song selection on this compilation leaves a lot to be desired

theres far too much stuff with taif's mate  brynn merick on
it gives the impression they only made 3 good songs!

also bought my 4th copy of pil's paris au printemps on vinyl  because in a
time of world crisis i want to know i'll never have to go without!

not a single kj item this month :(

----- Original Message -----
From: "Stephen Robinson" <heiferboy@robinsonworld.freeserve.co.uk>
To: <gathering@misera.net>
Sent: Saturday, May 24, 2003 8:08 PM
Subject: [kj] Fixed me sound card....

> T'is good init....
> Reminds me of the first time I heard Money is not our God... Drums are a
> Filthy Phil, now someone mentioned the Motorhead, but anythings better
> whatever it was on the last couple of albums.
> Bass sounds like Good, (79-81) Youth, which poses the question who really
> played bass on the first couple of albums.
> yeah good.! Lets hope it's not the standout track on the album!
> Also it better be out on rekkid too..
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