[kj] album cover . .
Sat, 24 May 2003 15:18:48 -0700 (PDT)
The new KJ cd cover looks perfect for that
"Weezer/Staind/Green Day Orange County-domesticated
yet "you're your own person" kiddie pop market I think
they're aiming the cd at - sad to say. They think No
Doubt is the greatest music in captivity. I think MC
Ole's artwork would come across as too
abstract/sophsticated/n' just plain 'beyond'
them...again, sad to say. It's very cheesy And think
of those BIG Best Buy cardboard floor displays getting
all in your way, getting you to lookn'buy...
again, sad to say. My god, what's next? think of the
bobble-head toys at the check-out counter "would you
like to purchase an extended service plan for your
bobble-head sir? The Jaz-doll's head MIGHT fly off".
The cover reminds me of Mimi on the Drew Carey show
and all the Insane Clown Posse jokes she so
righteously earned. Forget the Maoris, maybe she'll do
the stageshow theatrikx for this tour.
I actually think some of the grimmer more sarcastic
jesters that have been used as the logos on the
various Kj sites** would be much more appropriate.
Not thatMC Oles couldnt do a 10x greater cover for the
above market, but then again like he said, Big
Shite...sad to say.
** to all who labored, mega-props for the great
work-Dead Leigh's, Last Laugh, Irra.Dom.,
who the hell WAS 'bloody old fart'?
--- pr 001 <stay_one_jump_ahead@hotmail.com> wrote:
> >From: "Alexander Smith" <vassifer@earthlink.net>
> >Ah, I think everyone's being a bit harsh.
> Personally speaking, I don't know
> >if "mustard yellow" would be the colour I'd sheath
> my triumphant
> >re-declaration of terms in,
> obviously a ref. to colmans mustard.
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> ATTACHMENT part 2 image/pjpeg name=colmans.jpg
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