[kj] Melody Maker : Jaz in "Shrink Rap" 16th March 1985
Antoni Adamiak
Sun, 25 May 2003 13:31:24 +0100
Hello again folks,
Following the success of the "Love Like Blood" single there were
opportunities aplenty for Jaz to go ranting off on one & he never failed to
deliver, normally upsetting almost everyone in the process ! Here
transcribed is another hilarious feature (from Melody Maker) in which we
learn that from Jaz (presumably fuelled by a whisky or two) that his brother
was scared by over-sized pepper pots & his suggestion regarding "morality"
sure would leave you with a bloody nose or probably worse.
Anyway, read it and weep :
(The column that probes the psyches of today's megastars. This week : Jaz
Coleman of Killing Joke ...
We nearly got kicked out the first week. Geordie was so pissed one night he
pulled a fire extinguisher off the wall and just went whoosh, all over the
place. Everything was covered in sliver spray; £120,000 worth of damage. The
next day it was like being in the headmaster's office. We really sincerely
apologise for the actions of one irresponsible member.
The admittance of failure. A refusal to accept progress. A refusal to
acknowledge supernature. A refusal to accept radiation as the next step of
nature and mutant as the next step of humanity. Anti-progressist.
Manchester and Sheffield. Industrial towns where young men and women are
being told there's a future for them in the same way their mothers and
fathers were told. That is insanity.
Something of the past. Rational thought has led us to present day mediocrity
where we view men and women not in the sense of dignity, but as positive and
negative currents in a plug socket on the wall. The rationalist copulates
with his woman, she reproduces and they have 2.4 kids. This is torturous
mediocrity. We must have our hearts and souls firmly rooted in a vision of
perfection. We must, while being imperfect beings, have a collective vision
of a perfect being.
Hard luck.
Men and women, all of them having a price. Freedom to over-eat. Freedom for
the mindless to be apathetic. Freedom to perpetuate the horrors of the
industrial revolution until overthrow.
My brother used to have nightmares about the Daleks, he used to run out of
the house screaming. He became a nuclear physicist.
Warmth. They are my people, the gathering. They are who I came back from
Iceland for.
It was my dream. The development of a subculture would have been perfect
there. It failed because I did it on my own, not collectively. But the ball
was set rolling. It was all based on an element of patriotism, believe it or
not. My actions were strictly offensive, not defensive in fear of Nuclear
Holocaust. I saw it as the perfect place, no scars left by mankind. Only
150,000 people live there. That's less than the entire audience on the
European tour, ha ha ! Dreams and reality got crossed
and the public sensed it. A dream that failed but one I still believe in.
Redefinition of present day morals is essential. Morals are opposed to the
laws of nature and that is perversion. Man not understanding sex instinct
equals war. Morals must be broken. I say screw your best friend's girl to
see what happens.
Communicating with other people of the same mentality. People who understand
our ideals on an instinctive level. You can usually recognise them by their
high foreheads.
Pure melody in contrast to dissonance. I despise avant garde music for it's
rejection of melody. Pure melody can be enhanced through contrasts of
discordancy. In my classical music I'm always searching for the purest
melody of all. One has to go through insanity to find pure melody.
I remember, three weeks after I got to London I went to sign on. There was a
guy in front of me, he turns round and says "You're a musician". I thought
how does he know that ? Then he says "Come back to my house, there is
someone who wants to meet you". So I went back with this nutter and we got
to the house and went up to the top floor. I opened the door and there's
fucking Paul (Killing Joke's drummer) sitting on the floor. I thought, I
know him and he knew me. We just stared at each other for six minutes and
then he said "You better sit down then" and we started Killing Joke. I hated
the sight of him, but I knew him. I still get repulsed when I look at him
and he does when he looks at me, but we know that whatever we have to do
lies in the same direction.
I've got this lovely New Zealand girl. She looks a bit like Diana Rigg in
her good days, well tasty. We're all trying to upgrade our boilers at the
We've been deliberately misinterpreted in the past but we'll meet those
people again and deal with them accordingly, there's no hurry. I believe the
press affects very few people and if it does affect them they're the wrong
type of people anyway. Something has wound me up though, and I'd like to
alert people to the fact that while we in Killing Joke don't accept
democracy, we do not believe in dictatorship. And I want to see the person
who claimed we are racist. I'm half black myself. That is one writer we are
gonna seriously deal with. There are no racist people either in, or around,
Killing Joke. That is an insult. We will catch up with this person and
unless he comes up with a very good excuse we will kick the fuck out of him.
Honesty is sick. To tell the truth creates havoc. I have the conflict within
Geordie. Geordie is a cocaine slut, he gets devious when there's a line
going around. A friend of ours was given 10 kilos of the best coke. We got
through it in one year. I've never been so fucking wrecked.
Weak aspects of the public relating to even weaker aspects of performance. I
have nothing but contempt for these creatures.
The opportunity to further some of my experiments with geomancy. The next
stage of Killing Joke.
Someone who has mastered the immediate environment but who will lack power
or vision in the future environment. Someone who has very little insight.
Someone who fails to see that a single that reaches number one for nine
weeks has changed nothing whatsoever. Someone who has reached ultimate
Watching my colleagues sometimes spilling out shit to the opposite sex for
48 hours so that they can penetrate them. A development from Lust Almighty.
*** THE END ***
See below for the actual scanned pages (in two parts) :
Apologies for any typos (I've run it through the old spell checker) but
hopefully another one for the archives.
* http://home.clara.net/antoni/ *