[kj] Loose Cannon thoughts

J.D.Spooner gathering@misera.net
Wed, 28 May 2003 09:28:23 +0100

After downloading it this morning & haveing a relisten on me  proper System
so  i can  hear things  better than  on a crappy radio @ 2am  while  in bed
it sounds far better .
on secound  or now thired replay .
could not hear Gordie.s guitar on the radio but can  on Hi FI.
Now  i no its  joke.
its  growing on me  now.

7 out 10 now

Bring on the Live show.s
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "fat potanga" <fatpotanga@hotmail.com>
To: <gathering@misera.net>
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 9:09 AM
Subject: [kj] Loose Cannon thoughts

> Well, I'm listening to it now.
> I think it's much better than the demo, and of course it's gonna sound
> a better version of the demo coz it's the same f-ing song!
> I like the m/8 with the clean guitar - & thank god they binned that daft
> speaky "when you hear the siren make your way to the shelter..."
> OK, it doesn't have the initial impact of Implant but I think it's gonna
> a grower and I look forward to hearing it 'clean' off a disc.
> I'm on my 4th play (I know, I'm a slow typer!), i think it's prowling and
> hungry in feel. Geordie, beautifully restrained, but bristling with an
> underlying energy and it get's better with each play.
> C'mon jokers - it's happening!
> Definately a grower and it's a new KJ release fer chrisssake!
> Nice one, as ever Mik for getting this up for us all
> fat Jamie
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