[kj] Loose Cannon / Knaves Mix

Jerry gathering@misera.net
Wed, 28 May 2003 13:05:15 +0100

Come now, Andi, don't do Antoni a disservice by making out he's from Oxford,
but even us simple country folk have our uses.

jerry (from London but honourary country bumpkin)

p.s. thanks for the link, downloading now. This morning Ya-boo said it had
reached it's download limit already. Sheesh!

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Andreas Misera" <misera@misera.net>
To: <gathering@misera.net>
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 12:48 PM
Subject: Re: [kj] Loose Cannon / Knaves Mix

you oxford people... ;-)



On Wed, 28 May 2003, Jerry wrote:

> I like it, it's a grumbling monster, it sounds more like Killing Joke than
the demo. I like the oh-way-oh backing vocals (never noticed them on the
demo) there's some great Geordie riffing buried down in the mix but I find
the cymbals intrusive. It hits a great middle ground between pristine
commerciality and crunchiness. I could imagine hearing it on the radio,
blaring out of shops and bedroom windows, being chanted by the scummy kids
who raise hell in the playground next to my house on summer evenings which,
good as it is, you can't really say for Implant.
> Can someone puh-lease host the Knaves Mix on a server. I had the same
problem as Antoni and Rob. The first 3½ minutes sound great but I NEED the
other minute and a half. Can I ask who uploaded this and whet their source
was? Rob must be extra creaming himself now.
> btw Rob reckons that Fall of Because live is a BBC recording. Anyone else
know anything about this?
> j
> p.s. finally received my copy of TUP this morning...phew!
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Andreas Misera - andreas@misera.net ****...............
................"are you constant to the old covenant?"

Gathering mailing list

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