[kj] Fall of Because - live version

Dennis Cunningham gathering@misera.net
Thu, 29 May 2003 06:25:16 -0500 (CDT)

On Thu, 29 May 2003, pr 001 wrote:
> that thought did cross my mind. but it's up to EG ultimately and if they're
> short of remixes/bsides then why not stick an old live track on? could even
> be a dig at youth to remind him of what he's missing out on. i just don't
> hear the golden harp so i think it's pre-raven. (geordie's switch to his now
> trademark guitar happened at the same time raven joined). but i could be
> wrong.

I was under the impression that Killing Joke released their first single
under island to raise the funds to start their own label. What is the
relationship between EG and Malicious Damage?

To be honest youth's bass playing sounds extremely sloppy to my ears, and
nothing compared to Raven's style.  I'm not sure what you mean when you
say golden harp... What do you mean by this?  It's possible that I can't
make the stubtle distinctions in Geordie's playing(or not so subtle).
Regardless I'm not sure what the golden harp is, and would like to
understand it's meaning.

Thanks in advance...

> NWOBFG was released on vinyl.

My bad... thanks for the correction :)