[kj] soft boiled e'g
Alexander Smith
Thu, 29 May 2003 11:54:59 -0500
"but it's up to EG ultimately"
Been wondering this for a while --- Is E'G still a going concern? Are they
still releasing music? Is Eno the chairman?
Alex in NYC
>From: "pr 001" <stay_one_jump_ahead@hotmail.com>
>To: gathering@misera.net
>Subject: Re: [kj] Fall of Because - live version
>Date: Thu, May 29, 2003, 6:17 AM
>>From: Dennis Cunningham <euth@austin.rr.com>
>>On Thu, 29 May 2003, pr 001 wrote:
>> > >
>> > > todd, you've a good ear for these things - is it raven or youth on
>> > >i
>> > > reckon it's youth. i'd also wager it was recorded somewhere in the
>>I hope not too late to chime in on this topic, but the song in question
>>is the second song on the a side of the let's all go(to the fire dances)
>>Monitary concerns aside(why would they release a song with youth on bass
>>when they parted on less than good terms).
>that thought did cross my mind. but it's up to EG ultimately and if they're
>short of remixes/bsides then why not stick an old live track on? could even
>be a dig at youth to remind him of what he's missing out on. i just don't
>hear the golden harp so i think it's pre-raven. (geordie's switch to his now
>trademark guitar happened at the same time raven joined). but i could be
>My drunken ears hears the
>>diffrence in the bass... I'll have to compare the single to Ha live(the
>>only other recording of Raven playing youth's bass lines on vinyl?).
>NWOBFG was released on vinyl.
>>Spinning these old KJ records only reminds me of Big Paul's critical
>>role in the Joke. If we could only know what really happened...
>>or atleast from the non jaz point of view.
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