[kj] a piece of shit hits the fan

sade1 gathering@misera.net
Sat, 31 May 2003 15:40:57 -0700 (PDT)

The Ks&qs remix, the Holy of holies mp3, switching everyone over to Yahoo...
what a Trifecta,  the last laugh is definitely yours, you bad ass (tho until we see a picture of
your lower self, we wont know for sure).  shouldnt you be in a room with a whole gaggle of savants
working on foreign intelligence matters or coming up w/forgeries so we can bomb off Eye-ran.  I
read on the internet that I-ran 'sheltered' a few alQaeda in their NE areas, so..your mission,
should you choose to accept it, is ... . . . ... ... . . . ... ... . . . ...


--- pr 001 <stay_one_jump_ahead@hotmail.com> wrote:
> [WARNING: long alex-style post!]
> so the knaves mix is a piece of shit is it scot?
> how happy that must make you. yet another guilt-edged opportunity to make 
> your hilarious KJ/SPINAL TAP comparison. mr the-glass-is-half-empty 
> inglorious technicolor. you just love moaning about KJ's output don't you? 
> when i lived in australia the phrase "whinging pom" would often be heard, 
> but you seem to have turned that stereotype on its head! you joyfully 
> slagged off NWOBFG didn't you? you probably didn't even bothered to seek out 
> TUP? so convinced of its inevitable mediocrity. or maybe you did just so you 
> could slag it off. nice of you to deem 'implant' OK, though.
> the knaves mix - "bitterly disappointing" "after looking for years and years 
> for this track". looking for years and years?!?!?! perhaps you could give us 
> details of your exhaustive search for this track? how many copies of the 12" 
> did you buy before giving up? how many calls to dealers asking them if it's 
> yet another misspress? how many attempts to contact the record label? how 
> many posts on the internet? did you ask raven about it? you make it sound 
> like it was you that found it. and furthermore, you seem to think KJ somehow 
> owe you a lifetime's suply of awesome music. well they don't. we're lucky to 
> have them, and i very much doubt they give a flying fuck what you think.
> yes, they are just like SPINAL TAP aren't they. SPINAL TAP were one of the 
> most influential and respected bands to come out of the aftermath of punk 
> weren't they? their guitarist is so like geordie as to be indistinguishable. 
> i could go on but i can't be bothered.
> IS!
> i did it on 'cool edit' - took me two nights, about six or seven hours work 
> total. i did it for a prank. and i can prove it. the classical bit at the 
> start is from "Carnival of the Animals" by Camille Saint-Seans and the very 
> first sample, the thunder followed by birds chirping is from PACIFICA which 
> didn't come out until years later.
> i'd like to hear you do something better. i'm no alex paterson but i did 
> manage to fool the entire collected assembly of the most devoted KILLING 
> JOKE fans on the planet. not one person questioned its authenticity.
> bet you're all feeling pretty silly now, eh?! i admire scot for at least 
> picking up on the fact that the remix sucked in certain respsects, but it's 
> interesting that instead of jumping to the correct conclusion (and let's 
> face it i've done enough pranks in the past, including other fake tracks, 
> and i also recently mentioned that i use 'cool edi't a lot, and surely it's 
> suspicious that nobody owned up to posting it or for that matter seting up 
> the yahoo! group  - that was me too as ade can confirm) he just assumed KJ 
> were that bad and gleefully stuck the knife in! the joke's on you my friend!
> i will explain a bit more about the yahoo group.
> most of you know i have my "issues". mainly with anger and a rather childish 
> uncontrolable mind. it must surely be obvious that i have problems with 
> certain people on this list and for good reason. well, bev suggested that i 
> set up an alternative gathering because she knows how easy it is for people 
> to get to me (although she conveniently overlooked the fact that it was her 
> that gave them so much ammo against me!) and then just invite the people i 
> like onto that list. so when andy said he was switching servers and someone 
> suggested yahoo i took my chance and posted the invite kinda pretending to 
> be andy without actually using his name which was a bit naughty i admit but 
> it worked! the idea was to then kick off the people i didn't like and bingo 
> i got my own list!
> unfortunately temptation got the better of me and i uploaded the "knaves" 
> mix. i have enjoyed the responses to that! also, i'm in two minds about the 
> whole thing. i do love this list and let's face it it is where the action is 
> at. so i think what i'm going to do is stay on this list and keep the yahoo 
> group running so it's there if i can't stand the heat and need to get out of 
> the kitchen in the future. i do also like the polls and fileshare too and 
> i'd like it to be a complement to andy's list, not competition - i do want 
> to stress that.
> sorry i set the photo upload settings to moderator only. i'll go change that 
> now. don't know why i did that.
> i do hope people will use the group responsibly, if not i'll have to make 
> the setting more strict.
> i know there will be some people who, upon finding out that i set up the 
> group, will want to leave and that fine no hard feelings at all. it's really 
> only a couple of people here who i have major problems with and it should be 
> fairly obvious who they are.
> one final point, i do miss running my site. ade has kindly offered me a 
> shitload of webspace so i think i'm gonna start doing something on the web 
> again and it'll be cool to have the yahoo group as a tie-in with that. don't 
> worry i'm not try to steal anyone's thunder i won't be competing with the 
> other webmasters all of whom i consider good friends and fucking heros. i 
> just need a hobby! perhaps we could even combine our forces? i've already 
> helped ana and joe with their sites.
> so there you go. congratulations for getting through this post. feel free to 
> make suggestions as to how best to use the yahoo group, or tell me to stick 
> it up my arse if that's the way you feel! sorry about the "knaves" mix but 
> you've got to admit i pulled it off and it's bloody funny!!! i almost didn't 
> say anything in the hope that jerry would put it on carlton's next comp but 
> i really needed to explain about the yahoo group and people would have 
> probably figured it out anyway by then.
> btw, originally i had intended that after revealing it was a prank i'd like 
> the new mix to be know as the 'mad buttler rock mix' after paul burrell but 
> i've changed my mind and now i'd like it to be known as 'kings & queens [the 
> scot lambeth suck my cock mix]'.
> pr001
> >From: scott.lambeth@hic.gov.au
> >
> >Yeah, great to see the long awaited Knaves Mix finally break the surface
> >and fall into our eager hands.  Thanks to whoever found it and made it
> >available.
> >
> >Pity that it's a piece of shit.  It's an extrodinarily amateurish remix
> >that's purely for the completists.  It's disjointed and poorly produced
> >and, after looking for years and years for this track, ultimately bitterly
> >disappointing.
> >
> >In fact, things on the Killing Joke front aren't looking all that
> >promising:  two cheesy band photos from the forthcoming album, a totally
> >flaccid album cover so completely removed from "traditional" Joke imagery
> >as to be laughable, and the lamentable Loose Cannon release as a single
> >which will not do the band too many favours.  Implant is pretty good -
> >there's some trademark Jaz Coleman anti-authority rage which, I hope, is
> >more indicative of the album to come.  Let's hope Killing Joke aren't the
> >new Spinal Tap.
> >
> >-S
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