[kj] fanatics? give me convenience or give me my tv

Amy Moseley gathering@misera.net
Thu, 9 Oct 2003 18:34:02 -0500

Quoting fluw <fluwdot@earthlink.net>:

> ""being completely skipped
> by the tour as is just about everyone in the middle and south
> of the country (US).  And we all have reasons for not being
> able to travel the thousands of miles it might take to get to
> a single gig."
> amy, you have not been skipped, they are coming to your country and are
> gigging less than a day drive north of you. you live in austin no? that's 900
> miles big deal, get your butt on a greyhound. this isn't santana and they
> aren't going to stop in everybody's back yard. and don't ever expect that to
> happen. hop in your jalopy and head to denver. it'll take you about 17 hours
> no biggy. maybe there are some other texas gatherers you can carpool with?

Um.  Two kids.  Job with no time off.  Nasty divorce.  No way.

My only point was that to have an hour in your hometown is better
than not.  It sucks that the end of a twelve-year marriage is 
coinciding with this tour, but .... needs must and all that.  :-)

Rock Bristol for me y'all!

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