[kj] Radio 6 Tonight

Mik Raven gathering@misera.net
Wed, 15 Oct 2003 00:32:32 +0100

Well, for anyone interested, here it is


Beware, it's 18Mb!

Sorry I could not be bothered to split the tracks. Feel like shit. The funny
thing is, the now famous Tom spent a great deal of time on Friday & Saturday
trying to convince me to go to Cardiff but I insisted that I HAD to go to
work and could not throw a sickky! Anyway, by the end of Monday I had a
horendous cold and was off work today and will probably be off tomorrow. Now
where did I get this cold? Thursday night in Northampton was pretty poor due
to certain members of the Joke having bad colds. The next night, where was
I? On the tour bus! Three days later I come down a cold! Fancy that!
