[kj] OT: R.Kelly Likens Self to Bin Laden
Tue, 16 Sep 2003 10:11:56 +0200
I think the law differs a lot within Europe=2E In =
Czechia you are supposed to have a sex only if =
are over 15 - as far as I know for both hetero =
and homosexual=2E
In Britain however homosexual sex is allowed onyl =
for over-18=2E
ad ) =22but he=27s an idiot if he thinks that =
comparing himself with Bin Laden will bring him =
any sympathies!=22
--- in number of countries Bin Laden is quite =
popular and almost hero=2E he is seen as one =
who =22hit America=22=2E It was completely stupid act =
that meant innocent victims and won nothing for =
people=27s oppressed by America either=2E but in =
despair some people quite understandably see it =
as heroic act since he =22showed that America can =
be hit too=22=2E
So it is not so easy to say=2E It is more complex =
in my view=2E
----- P=F9vodn=ED zpr=E1va -----
Od=3A patrick=5Fbate=5Fman=40gmx=2Enet
Datum=3A =FAter=FD=2C 16=2E z=E1=F8=ED 2003 v 9=3A21 dop=2E
P=F8edm=ECt=3A Re=3A =5Bkj=5D OT=3A R=2EKelly Likens Self to Bin =
=3E i think in most parts of europe the age when =
=3E teens have their own right to
=3E decide whether they want to have sex is now =
=3E 14=2E there were some troubles
=3E though with homosexuality=2C since some =
=3E countries wanted to differ with sexuality=3A
=3E homosexuality was for a while only allowed =
=3E after you were 18 (if you were
=3E male!)=2E however=2C this was now found to be =
=3E against equality and so this law had to
=3E fall=2E
=3E still=2C if you are an adult and force a 14-17-
=3E year-old to have sex with you
=3E in any way=2C even without violence but with=2C =
=3E say=2C addict him / her to you in
=3E any way for example=2C you can get trialed for =
=3E it=2C from what i understand=2E so
=3E this is kind of a grey-zone in the law=2E
=3E however=2C i think that most kids do have a =
=3E good understanding about sex with
=3E that age and are responsible for themselves=2E
=3E i can=27t talk about R=2E Kelly though=2C since i =
=3E haven=27t folled the case and the
=3E law in the US seems to be quite different=2C =
=3E too=2E but he=27s an idiot if he
=3E thinks that comparing himself with Bin Laden =
=3E will bring him any sympathies!
=3E =
=3E my two cents=2E=2E=2E=2E
=3E Astrid=2E
=3E =
=3E =
=3E =3E R=2E Kelly is quite obviously a complete =
=3E idiot=2C which is different than
=3E =3E being evil=2E
=3E =3E =
=3E =3E I wouldn=27t want to defend this jackass=2C =
=3E but I=27ll say this -- I don=27t know
=3E =3E if he has a worse history=2C but the girl in =
=3E the case we=27re talking about
=3E =3E was 17 at the time=2E Still sounds like a =
=3E bad idea=2C but that=27s really not
=3E =3E like fiddling with an 8-year-old=2E Sounds =
=3E more like=2C say=2C Traci Lords=2E
=3E =3E =
=3E =3E In Spain=2C apparently=2C the age of consent =
=3E is 13=2C but I=27m guessing the
=3E =3E father is allowed to kill the guy=2E Sounds =
=3E fair to me=2E I=27d say that
=3E =3E policy would tend to keep people honest =
=3E anyway=2E=3E =
=3E =3E --Mark
=3E =3E =
=3E =3E On Mon=2C 15 Sep 2003=2C PRAEst76 wrote=3A
=3E =3E =
=3E =3E =3E Neil Perry sed=2E=2E=2E
=3E =3E =3E =
=3E =3E =3E =3E Is he thick or what=3F You=27d think the =
=3E last person a man
=3E =3E =3E =3E accused of child porno would compare =
=3E himself to=2C at this time=2C
=3E =3E =3E =3E in America=2C is Osama Bin Laden=2E
=3E =3E =3E =
=3E =3E =3E I think this just goes to show that =
=3E socially it=27s still better to be a
=3E =3E =3E hated and feared genocidal nutcase=2E=2E=2E =
=3E than a kiddie fiddler=2E It=27s
=3E =3E =3E still has some bond-villan type cred to =
=3E it=2E While we never actually
=3E =3E =3E got told whether Ernst Stavros Blofeld =
=3E was a registered sex offender=2E
=3E =3E =3E Plots to destroy entire cities is =
=3E something folks can deal with but
=3E =3E =3E wanking off to kiddie porn on the vid-
=3E screen in his underground lair
=3E =3E =3E would get cut out of the movie=2E
=3E =3E =
=3E =3E =
=3E =
=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=3E =
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