[kj] tickets for Praha gig

gathering@misera.net gathering@misera.net
Thu, 18 Sep 2003 12:28:41 +0200

what a shame=2E come whenever you can=2E-
Prijd az budes moct=2C nevadi kdyz pozdeji a kdyz =

to budes stihat az na koncert tak neva=2C ale jak =

se tam najdeme=3F

----- P=F9vodn=ED zpr=E1va -----
Od=3A Nika Pehe =3Chrlqn=40centrum=2Ecz=3E
Datum=3A =E8tvrtek=2C 18=2E z=E1=F8=ED 2003 v 12=3A16 odp=2E
P=F8edm=ECt=3A Re=3A =5Bkj=5D tickets for Praha gig

=3E Unfortunately I=27ve got something going on=2C
=3E I=27ve got to go to some consultation at the =

=3E Zizkov music school in the =

=3E afternoon=2C but I=27ll see you guys at the gig=2E
=3E Nika
=3E =


=3E =3E Od=3A =3Cxps1=40quick=2Ecz=3E
=3E =3E Komu=3A gathering=40misera=2Enet
=3E =3E CC=3A =

=3E =3E Datum=3A Thu=2C 18 Sep 2003 10=3A55=3A32 +0200
=3E =3E P=F8edm=ECt=3A Re=3A =5Bkj=5D tickets for Praha gig
=3E =3E
=3E =3E Astrid with her friend too=2E So it is =

=3E easierst =

=3E =3E anyway and us Praguenses can make it too=2E
=3E =3E =

=3E =3E Pavel
=3E =3E =

=3E =3E ----- P=F9vodn=ED zpr=E1va -----
=3E =3E Od=3A Andreas Misera =3Cmisera=40misera=2Enet=3E
=3E =3E Datum=3A =E8tvrtek=2C 18=2E z=E1=F8=ED 2003 v 10=3A07 dop=2E
=3E =3E P=F8edm=ECt=3A Re=3A =5Bkj=5D tickets for Praha gig
=3E =3E =

=3E =3E =3E how very cool! thanks=2C pavel! i=27ll be =

=3E =3E =3E staying at the clown and bard
=3E =3E =3E anyway=2C so that is perfect for me=2E=2E=2E =3A-)
=3E =3E =3E =

=3E =3E =3E see you on saturday=2C
=3E =3E =3E -andy
=3E =3E =3E =

=3E =3E =3E On Thu=2C 18 Sep 2003 xps1=40quick=2Ecz wrote=3A
=3E =3E =3E =

=3E =3E =3E =3E I have tickets for Andy and Astrid=2E
=3E =3E =3E =3E I propose to Astrid=2C Andy and all =

=3E other =

=3E =3E =3E gatherers=3E (Nika=2CJeremy=2C=2E=2E=2E) going to =

=3E gig in =

=3E =3E =3E Akropolis on
=3E =3E =3E =3E Saturday that we meet up before a gig=2E
=3E =3E =3E =3E Wat about at 5-6pm in Clown and Bard=27s =

=3E hostel=3E =3E =3E bar - http=3A//www=2Evolny=2Ecz/clown-
=3E bard/=2E it is
=3E =3E =3E =3E about 300 meters from venue and nice =

=3E calm cafe
=3E =3E =3E =3E where we can relax and chat before the =

=3E gig=2E=3E =3E =3E Who would come=3F Are there any =

=3E other =

=3E =3E =3E alternative=3E suggestions=3F
=3E =3E =3E =3E
=3E =3E =3E =3E Pavel
=3E =3E =3E =3E
=3E =3E =3E =3E PS=3A I must admit that I am more and =

=3E more =

=3E =3E =3E excited=3E about the gig=2E Be at KJ gig=2C =

=3E what a =

=3E =3E =3E dream of mine
=3E =3E =3E =3E for last 12 years!
=3E =3E =3E =3E
=3E =3E =3E =3E =

=3E =3E =3E =

=3E =3E =

=3E =

=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=3E =

=3E =3E Gathering mailing list
=3E =3E =3E =3E Gathering=40misera=2Enet
=3E =3E =3E =3E =

=3E =3E =3E =

=3E =3E =

=3E =

=3E g=3E
=3E =3E =3E =

=3E =3E =3E =

=3E =3E =

=3E =

=3E *****
=3E =3E =3E Andreas Misera - andreas=40misera=2Enet =

=3E =3E =3E ****=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=
=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=22are =

=3E you =

=3E =3E =3E constant to the old covenant=3F=22
=3E =3E =3E =

=3E =3E =

=3E =

=3E *****
=3E =3E =3E =

=3E =3E =3E =

=3E =

=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=3E =

=3E Gathering mailing list
=3E =3E =3E Gathering=40misera=2Enet
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=3E =3E =

=3E =

=3E g
=3E =3E =3E =

=3E =3E =

=3E =3E =

=3E =

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Gathering mailing list
=3E =3E Gathering=40misera=2Enet
=3E =3E =

=3E =

g=3E =

=3E =

=3E =

=3E --------------------
=3E Sout=EC=BEte nyn=ED s nejv=ECt=B9=EDm pracovn=EDm port=E1lem =

=3E v =C8R! V=EDce na =

=3E http=3A//user=2Ecentrum=2Ecz/redir=2Ephp=3F
=3E =

=3E =

=3E =5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=
=3E Gathering mailing list
=3E Gathering=40misera=2Enet
=3E =
