[kj] Seeing Red/Preston/Praest etc

PRAEst76 gathering@misera.net
Sat, 20 Sep 2003 01:12:55 +0100

bluce ree sed...

> ah excellent.  cheers chap.
> I've been unsubbed for 2 weeks, any KJ developments at all?

Mike had a showdown with Jazz Summers, but it ended amicably due to
the intervention of Yakuza who kidnapped Summers gerbil Hampton, and
held him for ransom.

Also George Bush and Tony Blair called up killing Joke ask them wabout
the new album, what their greviences were and what they would do in
their situation. There was an argument and Bush walked off and left
Geordie in charge of US affairs. Told him he wouldn't last a week. We'll
