[kj] Prague set-list

gathering@misera.net gathering@misera.net
Mon, 22 Sep 2003 10:16:30 +0200

Very nicely written Astrid=2E
Just the one chanting RED behind you was myself=2E-
I will do my best to record TV programme with KJ =

gig on videotape=2E


----- P=F9vodn=ED zpr=E1va -----
Od=3A Astrid Pretterhofer =3Cpatrick=5Fbate=5Fman=40gmx=2Enet=3E
Datum=3A pond=ECl=ED=2C 22=2E z=E1=F8=ED 2003 v 8=3A32 dop=2E
P=F8edm=ECt=3A Re=3A =5Bkj=5D Prague set-list

=3E hi friends=2C
=3E back from Prague and totally exhausted=2C but =

=3E i thought i=27ll take a few
=3E minutes to write about the show=2E
=3E it was absolutely brilliant=2C best one so far =

=3E i=27ve seen=2C without a doubt=2E Jaz
=3E seemed to really have enjoyed it=2C though (or =

=3E because) he at times seemed to
=3E be too drunk / high to be able to read the =

=3E setlist taped on the floor! =3B)
=3E however=2C the below setlist was the one that =

=3E was taped on the stage-floor=2C
=3E but the correct one was=2C like someone =

=3E mentioned=2C Communion as first song and no
=3E Asteroid=2E like Pavel said=2C the Cechomor-
=3E violinist came on stage for both
=3E Communion and Pandemonium (so it was first =

=3E and last song)=2E
=3E also big surprise was that they played Loose =

=3E Cannon=2C and it was a very nice
=3E one in fact - well=2C no flaws anyway in this =

=3E show!Seeing Red had a funny side to it=2C =

=3E since Jaz wanted the audience to sing (or
=3E scream rather) the second =22red=22=2C while he =

=3E would do the the first and so on=2C
=3E but somehow it all went strange when in the =

=3E end there only was one big =22red=22
=3E somewhere in the middle=2C but definitely not =

=3E in the right place=2E looked like
=3E he was laughing hardly about that fact=2E
=3E the whole set was extremely powerful and =

=3E i=27ve never before felt this
=3E intensity then in this small venue=2C stuffed =

=3E with 300 people with the heat-level
=3E rising faster than in an oven! hell=2C yes=2C it =

=3E was worth every eurocent paid and
=3E every unconvenience taken for this travel=2E
=3E also it was very nice to meet so many people =

=3E for the first time or see them
=3E again=2E and we had a wonderful time after the =

=3E show=2C too=2E hanging around in the
=3E backstage-room was quite relaxed and the =

=3E night was lovely and warm=2C the pub
=3E later had delicious and cheap food=2E=2E=2E=2E
=3E Raven was one of the loveliest persons in =

=3E the world=2C i can tell you=2C btw=2E
=3E and he told me that there is a possibility =

=3E that in february / march there might
=3E be some more european dates=2C which would be =

=3E just perfect! i=27ll even consider
=3E going to Prague again! =3A)
=3E also at least parts of the show were =

=3E recorded by czech television=2C so i hope
=3E Pavel will keep an eye open if the footage =

=3E will show up somewhere=2E apart
=3E from that there was a guy running around =

=3E with a small camera recording stuff for
=3E the live-dvd he told me will be released =

=3E sometime in spring next year=2C
=3E though nothing definite now=2E =

=3E btw=2E=3A before Empire Song=2C Jaz said that this =

=3E song was written about the
=3E British Empire=2C but now it was known as the =

=3E American Empire=2E=2E=2E=2E
=3E okay=2C that shall be it for now=2C i have to =

=3E prepare myself for going to
=3E Vienna=2E i=27ll be trying to upload some new =

=3E pictures tomorrow=2C though most of them
=3E are too blurry because this stupid security-
=3E guy told me to switch off the
=3E flash! =3A(
=3E however=2C you=27ll be delighted=2C that i=27ll be =

=3E bringing you a little surprise
=3E later on - so just patience! =3A)
=3E =

=3E cheers=2C
=3E Astrid=2E
=3E =

=3E =

=3E =3E =3E----------
=3E =3E =3E =3EFrom=3A =22Antoni Adamiak=22 =3Cantoni=40clara=2Enet=3E
=3E =3E =3E =3ETo=3A =3Cgathering=40misera=2Enet=3E
=3E =3E =3E =3ESubject=3A =5Bkj=5D Prague set-list
=3E =3E =3E =3EDate=3A Sun=2C Sep 21=2C 2003=2C 2=3A58 PM
=3E =3E =3E =3E
=3E =3E =3E
=3E =3E =3E =

=3E =

22=2Ehtml=3E =3E =3E
=3E =3E =3E =3EPosted by Prague Bloke on September 21=2C =

=3E 2003 at 01=3A33=3A07=3A
=3E =3E (62=2E245=2E66=2E155)
=3E =3E =3E =3E
=3E =3E =3E =3EThe boys kicked off this second leg of =

=3E their tour around Europe in
=3E =3E Prague
=3E =3E =3E =3Etonight with the following setlist =

=3E (some new ones compared to the last =

=3E =3E =3Eone)=3A
=3E =3E =3E =3E
=3E =3E =3E =3ERequiem=2C Total Invasion=2C War Dance=2C =

=3E Blood on Your Hands=2C Change=2C Seeing
=3E =3E =

=3E =3E =3ERed=2C
=3E =3E =3E =3EFall of Because=2C Tension=2C Death =26 =

=3E Resurrection Show=2C Kings =26 Queens=2C =

=3E =3E =3ELoose
=3E =3E =3E =3ECannon=2C Empire Song=2C The Wait=2C =

=3E Whiteout=2C Frenzy=2C Psyche =5Bencore=5D =

=3E =3E =3EAsteroid=2C
=3E =3E =3E =3EPandemonium=2E
=3E =3E =3E =3E
=3E =3E =3E =3E*****************************
=3E =3E =3E =3E
=3E =3E =3E =3E=2E=2E=2E and hopefully a few more to come =2E=2E=2E
=3E =3E =3E =3E
=3E =3E =3E =3ERegards=2C
=3E =3E =3E =3E
=3E =3E =3E =3EAntoni
=3E =3E =3E =3E
=3E =3E =3E =3E* http=3A//home=2Eclara=2Enet/antoni/ *
=3E =3E =3E =3E
=3E =3E =3E =3E
=3E =3E =3E =

=3E =

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=3E Gathering mailing list
=3E Gathering=40misera=2Enet
=3E =
