[kj] Scuzz

gathering@misera.net gathering@misera.net
Mon, 22 Sep 2003 17:15:30 EDT

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 Browsing through Scuzz tonite ( MTV type music channel ) and their ' 
Antiques Roadshow ' was on and guess what Killing Joke...Love Like Blood was up there 
to be voted for, so...i voted for it, cost me a Quid, cos i voted twice...lol 
and within 2 mins their it was on the box.
  Shit Raven and Jaz looked young, Geordie looked the same as he does 
now...strange. Great to see it on me telly though, seems KJ are getting plugged at 
last, 20 years too late mind, but hey better late than never.

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=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0"><BR>
 Browsing through Scuzz tonite ( MTV type music channel ) and their ' Antiqu=
es Roadshow ' was on and guess what Killing Joke...Love Like Blood was up th=
ere to be voted for, so...i voted for it, cost me a Quid, cos i voted twice.=
..lol and within 2 mins their it was on the box.<BR>
&nbsp; Shit Raven and Jaz looked young, Geordie looked the same as he does n=
ow...strange. Great to see it on me telly though, seems KJ are getting plugg=
ed at last, 20 years too late mind, but hey better late than never.</FONT></=
