[kj] O/T Arse N Ankle Of Moss
Tue, 23 Sep 2003 10:54:14 EDT
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In a message dated 23/09/03 06:58:51 Pacific Daylight Time,
stay_one_jump_ahead@hotmail.com writes:
> if it's a sham why would he make up an
> unconvincing story?! wouldn't he just say he's going into hospital for major
> surgery? knowing rob if he couldn't be arsed with the gathering anymore he'd
> just come out and say it, he's not one to mince his words or make up
> far-fetched stories when there's no need.
Bugger, did it sound like that was what i was saying? Hope it didnt come
across that way. I was just jesting, shit i feel bad now.
Me and my big mouth.
I certainly hope he is ok and it isn't more serious.
Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII"
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=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">In a message dated 23/09/03 06:58:51 Pacific Daylight=20=
Time, stay_one_jump_ahead@hotmail.com writes:<BR>
: 5px; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px">if it's a sham why would he mak=
e up an <BR>
unconvincing story?! wouldn't he just say he's going into hospital for major=
surgery? knowing rob if he couldn't be arsed with the gathering anymore he'd=
just come out and say it, he's not one to mince his words or make up <BR>
far-fetched stories when there's no need.</BLOCKQUOTE><BR>
Bugger, did it sound like that was what i was saying? Hope it d=
idnt come across that way. I was just jesting, shit i feel bad now.<BR>
Me and my big mouth.<BR>
I certainly hope he is ok and it isn't more serious.<BR>