[kj] ED&VRE atkins veto
Wed, 24 Sep 2003 15:55:44 -0400
I guess US venues don't care whats played as long as they don't have to
shell out any extra dough. I pretty sure a lot of establishments would
laugh if anyone even suggested they pay ASCAP. I can see the cops now
laughing at some record company employee telling them to enforce that law.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Amy Moseley" <amyr@jump.net>
To: <gathering@misera.net>
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 1:00 PM
Subject: Re: [kj] ED&VRE atkins veto
> Quoting Deadjester <rivethead@comcast.net>:
> > As far as I know In the US no band has to tell any venue what songs are
> > being played or pay a fee for covers(that's why we have so many crappy
> > bands). I know throughout europe(I'm unsure how england does it) that is
> > the case(I toured with a crappy death metal band called brodequin for
> > awhile). Pigface mainly plays in the US so he can pretty much play
> > he wishes and no one will bat an eye at him.
> All US venues that have music played, whether DJs or a jukebox or
> play the radio or have live bands are supposed to have an ASCAP
> licence, though this is hard to enforce. I'm not sure exactly
> how the funds are used, but you'll see the sticker in the window
> of law-abiding establishments. This includes restaurants and
> other less-likely places.
> However, performing music for a live crowd is not considered
> a copyright infringement -- I suppose it's being reproduced,
> but in a transient fashion. If the result were *recorded*
> and released on a live album, *then* there would have to
> be fees paid. This is just a part of why all places have
> to ban audio recordings of concerts, and don't usually
> like it even with unsigned bands.
> However, at this past weekend's festival here, one *could*
> bring still cameras, and since many still digital cameras
> can hold video, there was a lot of footage taken. I didn't
> take mine, just cos it's frankly too expensive to get damaged
> by the crush of a crowd, but there were certainly others
> there with one.
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