[kj] RE: DARKNESS before dawn (OT)
Rob's Arse
Mon, 29 Sep 2003 11:03:13 -0700 (PDT)
The Darkness are just pure fucking shite. Comedy band. Might as well listen to the Grumbleweeds or the Baron Knights or any of that shit.
Nothing anyone can ever say will ever make me change my view.
Disgusting waste of protein.
--- "pr 001" <stay_one_jump_ahead@hotmail.com> wrote:
>From: "J.Paul Owens" <john_paul_owens@hotmail.com>
>ps: If you get pissed off at people touting Joke tickets have a gander over
>at Ebay where 2 tickets for The Darkness at (for the LOVE OF GOD) Norwich
>have just went for 270. Of course some people will argue that fans of The
>Darkness deserve our sympathy at the best of times...
so why were you looking up their tickets then?
i like THE DARKNESS but i don't understand why people keep saying they're
doing something new and original - it's just glam isn't it?
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