[kj] RE: DARKNESS/Rapture/interpol
Javier Garcia
Tue, 30 Sep 2003 11:19:31 -0400
My wife gave me the Interpol CD on valentine's day, It's a good album; you can hear a lot of old bands there. That was what quickly show them to me as a not very authentic band, but still they sound good.
On the other hand Clinic is a band i really like. IMHO they are on the same vibe as Interpol, but a way more authentic.
And I have to reckon Muse has grown on me a lot, their new album sounds really good.
The Darkness is a band i can't really get into. Maybe they are not bad, they may be good musicians... maybe... but they are the most unimaginative band making music that I don't like.
My two pesos
--------- Original Message ---------
DATE: Tue, 30 Sep 2003 10:23:32
From: "Alex Smith" <vassifer@earthlink.net>
To: gathering@misera.net,"'gathering@misera.net'" <gathering@misera.net>
>"I'm developing a taste for Interpol as well . . should I seek help ?"
>I'm really frustrated by Interpol, because like you may remember, I thought
>they were a criminally uninspired and derivative live act, but I quite like
>their album....however unoriginal it may arguably be. Moreover, they've
>become a HUGE draw here...they've just added a second night (both sold out,
>I believe) at the Roseland Ballroom....which is a pretty big room.
>At least their hearts are in the right places....and it's damn refreshing to
>hear a new band that doesn't try to splice any semblance of hip-hop into
>their music in the slightest.
>Alex in NYC
>>From: Phillipps Marc <Marc.Phillipps@enfield.nhs.uk>
>>To: "'gathering@misera.net'" <gathering@misera.net>
>>Subject: RE: [kj] RE: DARKNESS/Rapture
>>Date: Tue, Sep 30, 2003, 9:18 AM
>>>Anyway, me likey.
>>Me likey Rapture too . . .
>>I'm developing a taste for Interpol as well . . should I seek help ?
>>Marc .
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Alex Smith [SMTP:vassifer@earthlink.net]
>>> Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2003 4:12 PM
>>> To: gathering@misera.net; gathering@misera.net
>>> Subject: Re: [kj] RE: DARKNESS/Rapture
>>> Just dropped the wife off at the office, and as is my ritual, I popped
>>> into
>>> Tower Records, which is only a couple of doors down. I spotted the new
>>> Darkness album on the new release racks. I've never heard them, but they
>>> just seem like a re-re-re-re-re-hashed Spinal Tap gag. Geddit? Ironic
>>> hair-metal. Yawn. Haven't we been there a bajillion times by this point?
>>> Am I wrong in this assumption?
>>> Personally speaking, being that it finally seems that there are some
>>> interesting goings-on in music again (not just because the Joke is back on
>>> active duty), why waste time with Whitesnake tribute bands like the
>>> Darkness?
>>> One new band that I've embraced is The Rapture.
>>> I'd really decided that I hated the Rapture. There'd been the initial hype
>>> and all the comparisons to Gang of Four and the Pop Group and all these
>>> other bands I quite dig. Then, I picked up their e.p., OUT OF THE RACES &
>>> ONTO THE TRACKS and after a few spins, decided I was underwhelmed, and put
>>> off by Luke Jenner's somewhat cloying vocals. That's it, I thought, it's
>>> decided. I don't like the Rapture. Cross them off the list.
>>> So, I'm scouring Manhattan last week, searching for an old Foetus
>>> compilation from about `89 that I had on vinyl, but never had picked up on
>>> disc (I no longer have a turntable, nor a plan of getting
>>> one anytime soon, so I effectively cannot play any of my vinyl). In any
>>> event, I'd been feeling a serious need to hear "Bedrock" by Foetus, so
>>> figured I'd go pick it up in any number of likely shops (to no
>>> avail,..I've
>>> since had to order it online, which is such less fun!) ANYWAY, while in
>>> fuckin' the Virgin Megastore in Times Square (of all places), I'm perusing
>>> through the import bins, and I hear this really captivating racket
>>> eminating
>>> from the 'electronica' section (and it's music that doesn't sound
>>> electronic
>>> in the slightest). After a couple of tracks, I ask the gent behind the
>>> counter who it was. "The new Rapture disc," he says. DAMMIT! I hate it
>>> when
>>> that happens. I bought
>>> it.
>>> In any event, while I'm still kinda cool on Jenner's screechy warble, this
>>> is a really charged sounding record. Favorite bit by far is the bass-amp
>>> overload segueway between "The Coming of Spring" and "House of Jealous
>>> Lovers." Yes, it's all very backwards-looking in a neo-post-punk sorta way
>>> (while he generally apes G04's John King to eyebrow-raising degrees,
>>> Jenner's really pushing for Lydon/PiL vibe on the title track), but I
>>> think
>>> it sounds pretty fresh (and I don't mean that in a
>>> dated hip hop slang sorta way).
>>> At certain points, there's a really frantic sound to the proceedings, as
>>> if
>>> they might spiral messily off course at any second, which is pretty
>>> endearing. I imagine their live shows are pretty sweaty affairs. The
>>> guitars
>>> also have a great CLANGY sound to them, all disjointed and crackly.
>>> Anyway, me likey.
>>> Alex in NYC
>>> ----------
>>> >From: Rob's Arse <joker@Z6.com>
>>> >To: gathering@misera.net
>>> >Subject: Re: [kj] RE: DARKNESS before dawn (OT)
>>> >Date: Tue, Sep 30, 2003, 3:04 AM
>>> >
>>> >Amy, stop it. You're upsetting me. I would like to make it my personal
>>> >quest to rid the world of the Darkness, but I can't cos I'm a cripple. If
>>> >they are still mystifyingly popular when I am better (unlikely) then
>>> >perhaps a series of Spinal Tap style accidents might befall the wretched
>>> >beasts. If I am successful, I will gladly sort of the Sugarbabes and
>>> >Cheeky Girls for you!
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >--- amyr@jump.net (Amy Moseley Rupp) wrote:
>>> >> well said that arse, I'm listening to Change-Peel session as I type
>>> >> this, and the thought of EVER having to listen to
>>> >> a second of the Dorkness chills me to the bone
>>> >
>>> >They are quite good live, especially for the ladies ;-)
>>> >(ahem, or perhaps not-too-ladylike)
>>> >
>>> >See, *I* don't get Sugababes or Cheeky Girls or any of
>>> >THAT complete and total shite. Enterainment? Gentlemen's
>>> >entertainment, and I don't think they are nearly as
>>> >musically talented as The Darkness.
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