[kj] Crowley/Cole/Gudjohnsen/gate 13

Patrick Davies Patrick.Davies at subsea7.com
Tue Aug 3 09:23:11 EDT 2004

*We are faced with choices from the day we are born,And those choices
our future choices ,And if you make the right decisions,It will put you
in a
position to be able to have more choices.For example if you decide not
attend school,your choices in life will be restricted,If you get
,more avenues (choices )will be available*

what is a right decision though? If I stay with my company in order to
stay receiving x amount of money I will have the finances to buy
consumer goods that will make me feel like im meant to be happy and
successful. After all I have the goods that they ram down my throat in
all manners of advertising that tells me this is what satisfaction is!

 If I go self employed I wont have the availability of finances to fill
the void of the emptiness my previous job gave me, but ill be able to
make choices based on what I want or really need. Freedom from the
hearts desires (True Happiness this way lies - The The).

So choice is dependent on the circumstances and as such can not be
uniform to all. The school analogy surely tells us that. Did Roman (yes
that one) have an education? Who defines the limitations that we set
ourselves too?

 People make a big thing on education. Like I had a choice. First day of
school most kids cry, they don't want to go! Where's your choice there?
Godalming was awash with tears that day I can tell you.

  *Those of us who beleive once you are dead you are gone ,ie no
no ghost ,nothing just an empty cadavere,have no fear because everyone
die oneday,so exept it and enjoy yourself while here.*

believe (i b4 e)... be lie ve. Belief to me is about forcing a concept
on to moving energy. Building the house on sand.

*Religion had its place in previous generations when society generally
uneducated and lawless ,people who lived sqalid lives and death was a
blessing,those people needed Religion to keep them in place.
     Nowadays people need something to fill the  spiritual void,(Was Jaz
serious about forming his own church)I see all these people checking out
different religions looking for answers,LOOK WITHIN*

Then again, most indigenous religions recognised the forces of nature
and respected them. We scoff at their naiivity but are ourselves killing
the hand that feeds us. The orthodox church was a process of control.
While the funnel has changed has the concept? Only be researching
indigenous rituals can you discover the common denominator. I train in
the martial arts and do that with fighting systems. Beyond all the hype
and fancy decoration there is a common truth. Its worth a look even if
its then rejected as crap.

So yes look within, but look around as well. All parts of the same star.

   *It makes a huge difference actually,Try watching football on a black
white 18 inch flickering TV,Then watch the second leg on a 32 inch 100
Sony vega,It makes all the difference*

Cant accept the analogy. You are talking about being a spectator rather
than being a participant.  I watched the 1970 cup final on the black n
white and now I can watch it on the 30" wega. However it's the act that
is more memorable than the spectacle. 

Can you remember, for example, your first killing joke gig? I can. Does
it stand out for what you felt or because it was a band on stage and you
became what you felt you were meant to be at that age? For me it was the
emotion within, the energy, the release of all that pent up frustration.
The focal point may have been jaz or youth, sorry Geordie it was the
hair thing, but it was my event that was important. They were simply the

Now I have the money to go to many gigs but it doesn't give that emotion
any more.

*Sorry wishful thinking,One life is all you get,Make the most out of it
you dont get another shot.*

if only I could be so sure. What if I was wrong? Where does energy go

*I dont exept life after death,Thats just carrots for the donkeys*

" Sex, rocknroll, drugs...anything that
make's us feel different."
  * Are you sure !!!!!!!!! If you want to be really rebellious and
to everyone else DONT take drugs DONT listen to music and DONT
must be the only person I know(!!!!!!!!!!Am I sure!!!!!!) who has never
taken E ,No special reason just never fancied it.*

I agree with you. So who told us that we should do all that to be
rebellious? Rebellious against what?

So yes personal responsibility is required and the fat people need to do
that as do the smokers and the people who drive cars while using a
mobile phone. Can we live with the consequences of our actions or do we
lie back and say well I never got a proper education and so I had no

Best wishes. 

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