[kj] Cech,Drogs n Robben Cole (geddit ?:-))

peter.west410 peter.west410 at ntlworld.com
Fri Aug 6 06:42:54 EDT 2004

----- Original Message -----
From: "Patrick Davies" <Patrick.Davies at subsea7.com>
To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)"
<gathering at misera.net>
Sent: Friday, August 06, 2004 10:52 AM
Subject: RE: [kj] Cech,Drogs n Robben Cole (geddit ?:-))

Your being facetious aren't you?

Subliminal messaging on a 24hour basis tells us that we are incomplete, that
we must buy this or that to be more successful.

*It's just advertising,Take it or leave it.*

While I don't advocate the return to a pol popot stylee existence, using
horses to pull the plough furrows through fields*, we need to become aware
of the furore of deception, distraction and decadence that is simply keeping
us slaves to the machine.
        *We are all cogs in the machine  All PART of it.Sitting in the
corner bleating "It's not fair" is counter-productive too your own

Only by acknowledging it and seeing it for what it is can you possibly free
yourself from it, but we are human. As each government we elect demonstrates
is that nothing changes as they are all subservient to the greater machine,
and therefore there is no 'they'.
   * I prefer to be a part of it rather than apart from it,It's not as bad
and evil as you imagine*

Some may cite that the machine or state is simply there to maintain the
authority of the aristocracy. Some may call for uprising so they can become
corrupted by the 'security' of privilege. Orwell pointed all this out much
more eloquently a long time ago. Should an ideal be of greater value than
  * you think and analyise things too much,We are all ...ALL just humans
,working together to make society better(Applaus expected PM)*

"Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery;
None but ourselves can free our minds.
Have no fear for atomic energy,
'cause none of them can stop the time.
How long shall they kill our prophets,
While we stand aside and look? ooh!
Some say it's just a part of it:
We've got to fulfil de book."

The way I see it Peter, in terms of the age of the earth we are like midges
that last for a couple of hours on a summers evening, buzzing around beside
the water or trees, dying in the night. Every approx 600 000 years the
volcano in Yellowstone park blows up and changes everything. They reckon the
last explosion is 650000 years ago so we are due another one in the next
1000 or so years. So our 80 odd years is pretty irrelevant in the bigger
picture so, I have to ask, why do we invest so much time in falsehoods?
     *We all have a different outlook on life,I dont reconise any
falsehoods,Let alone invest any time in them*

Our football allegiances, band allegiances, brand allegiances etc are really
not that important although they do give us a focus and a social purpose to
*Not if you support rottingham it dont :-)*

 to gather in the same exact method that the 'supposedly' inferior
indigenous tribes did on this island a couple of thousand years ago. Have we
really developed or do we create the illusion to pretend that we have

* We have developed substantially,Before they used smoke signals now we use
computers.It was developed by people trying to progress,not sitting back and
marvelling at the wonder of smoke signals*

Now I asked you about choice after you said that fat people should stop
greeting about being fat and start taking personal responsibility. That then
must go right across the board rather than selectively targeting groups to
create our own podiums of superiority.

* going by that I assume you re overweight.I see them sweating uncomfortably
tring to walk upstairs,tongue hanging out.Cant fit into aeroplane
seats,gorging themselves with a "feel sorry for me" expression on their
face.And its all there own making,You seem too be hung up on  Superiority
inferiority complex,I see it as we are all different,And its peoples
idividual assumption to deicide which is best*

We are all people, we all laugh and cry, we all hurt sometimes and we all
like to share. They cant sell you that as it's given to you by the creator -
whatever you perceive that word to mean - and so lets celebrate our life,
gather at the firedances and use the magick weaved by musicians/shamens to
take us into states of euphoria so we can be part of the current/the hum of
the universe.
    *You keep going on about they, THEY.Who are they?.Is it some unseen
group of uncaring evil bastards ,who control every aspect of your being,Are
they watching and controlling your every move.
     It must be quite comforting thinking there is a controlling force,But
there is nt, you are a free man.All the choices are yours to make,Take it or
leave it the choice is yours*

That's why we are here isn't it?

 Combat 18 tried to set that up outside Chemlsford! lol
   *The NF had one in France*


-----Original Message-----
From: peter.west410 [mailto:peter.west410 at ntlworld.com]
 Subject: Re: [kj] Cech,Drogs n Robben Cole (geddit ?:-))

"We must know our place and must always look up and except the fact we live
in shit"

    Thats so negative,Who told you that anyway?

----- Original Message -----

  * Yes ,but we all cant have all choices can we,Otherwise we'd all be
living in Buckingham Palace,driving Lamborghini's ,Kylie as  a girlfriend
and Jester as our butler.
   But on one hand you are saying "Be yourself and not part of the
system",But then you expect the system to give you opportunities.
   You have too make your own opportunities.*

Those are distractions not choices, irrelevancies to titillate us into
subservience. We must know our place and must always look up and except the
fact we live in shit. "it could be you" £1 lottery ticket as your only hope.

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