[kj] Re: Disclaimer

Peter Adams praest76 at escapism.co.uk
Fri Aug 13 07:26:11 EDT 2004

Phillipps Marc wrote:

>>Any possibility of being more specific? My draconian net beliefs system 
>>is intregued.

> I'm not sure if it automagically removes any regularly duplicated text or it
> needs to be configured by the list mod ?

> It's pretty cool though although our IT department managed to screw it up
> for ages by continually changing the disclaimer (and making a lot of
> spelling mistakes)

I've found many people who work in IT departments have too much free 
time on their hands to get up to mischief. They should also make them 
responsible for gutter maintenence.

> As far as disclaimers go, I prefer this :

> "Important. Antidisclaimer. This e-mail is not and cannot, by its nature,
> be confidential. En route from me to you, it will pass across the public
> Internet, easily readable by any number of system administrators along the
> way. If you have received this message by mistake, it would be ridiculous
> for me to tell you not to read it or copy to anyone else, because, let's
> face it, if it's a message revealing confidential information or that
> could embarrass me intensely, that's precisely what you'll do. Who
> wouldn't?

...Back in the early days of the web when people were more naive a 
friend of mine used to rant a lot abotu people sending credit card 
numbers and the like over email. He compaired it to putting personal 
details on the back of a postcard and putting it through the mail. He 
wasn't far wrong. Technically writing a letter is more secure, but if 
it's important and can't wait... pick up the blower...

> "Likewise, it is superfluous for me to claim copyright in the contents,
> because I own that anyway, even if you print out a hard copy or
> disseminate this message all over the known Universe. I don't know why so
> many corporate mail servers feel impelled to attach a disclaimer to the
> bottom of every e-mail message saying otherwise. If you don't know either,
> why not e-mail your corporate lawyers and system administrators and ask
> them why they insist on contributing so much to the waste of bandwidth."

I think this is going on the bottom of every message I write from now on.


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