[kj] Headcount Remixing Maddness

ade ade at the-lab.zetnet.co.uk
Wed Aug 18 17:05:31 EDT 2004

Can we see that please?!?!!

-----Original Message-----
From: gathering-bounces at misera.net [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net]On
Behalf Of bluce ree
Sent: 18 August 2004 13:06
To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)
Subject: RE: [kj] Headcount Remixing Maddness

I think i'd rather vomit urine from my eyes than work with the chemical

youth's a pussy when it comes to the remix!  rah!

Paul Rangecroft <killing_j0ke at hotmail.com> wrote:

i'm so excited! they asked me to do a remix of a song that's Amazon.co.uk
Sales Rank: 29,842
. i'm going to be famous! i'm going to be rich! i'm going to be like youth
and dr. alex! this is just the start, soon i'll have my own studio and be
working with THE CHEMICAL BROS et al. i can't wait. I CAN'T WAIT!

>From: "antifrz"
>Jus finished up the remix for headcount,wheew,been 3 daze of listening to
>it,and 24 hours in.I love that die monkey die tune,hope to hear more bout
>the remixes in the future from MD.
>Cheers Rob & Mike for asking us lot to remix the track.Bluce Ree's mix is
>coolio can't wait to hear the whole thang,Now i can drop.CliffMonk-A

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