[kj] question re: unknown tune

gathering@misera.net gathering@misera.net
Sat, 28 Feb 2004 01:25:07 EST

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Dear gatherers:
Where the hell is that "Hollywood Babylon" tune from? I downloaded it, and 
it's pretty cool, despite the technoey beats. Good vocals and great guitar. It 
shows the tremendous diversity, as well as seemingly contrasting immidiately 
recognizable uniqueness, of the Joke. What release was it on, and what year (or 
period)? Thanks,
Greg, slightly ingnorant gatherer

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=3D"SANSSERIF" FACE=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">Dear gatherers:<BR>
Where the hell is that "Hollywood Babylon" tune from? I downloaded it, and i=
t's pretty cool, despite the technoey beats. Good vocals and great guitar. I=
t shows the tremendous diversity, as well as seemingly contrasting immidiate=
ly recognizable uniqueness, of the Joke. What release was it on, and what ye=
ar (or period)? Thanks,<BR>
Greg, slightly ingnorant gatherer</FONT></HTML>
