[kj] Year of the Drivel

Alexander Smith gathering@misera.net
Sat, 24 Jan 2004 16:02:12 -0500

Oh, I don't think it's that bad, actually. If you watch only for the 
Jaz-bits, you're bound to be a bit confused or dissapointed, but it's 
definitely a decent film....if a bit bizarre.

Alex in NYC

On Saturday, January 24, 2004, at 03:27 PM, Mik Raven wrote:

> I think the title of your email sums up the film pretty well (IMHO).
> :-)
> Mik
> From: "Phil" <tofield@cica.freeserve.co.uk>
> To: <gathering@misera.net>
> Sent: Saturday, January 24, 2004 8:24 PM
> Subject: [kj] Year of the Drivel
> Ive just ordered Year of the Devil from that czech web site, at least
> I THINK Ive ordered it! Since I dont know any czech, then filling in
> the form was a bit hit and miss, so god knows what I might get in the
> post! (if anything). At worst, then Ive just given my credit card
> details to some dodgy foreign web site (again, lol!). I'll let you'all
> know when (if) it turns up, then anyone who wants to borrow it or get
> a copy let me know.
> cheers, phil
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