[kj] facts and figures... (was MD)

Owen Leigh Joe King gathering@misera.net
Mon, 26 Jan 2004 12:05:19 +0000

as i've already pointed out i was only joking. so off you go back to 
lurkdom! (i'm doing it again, aren't i?! i can help it, honest). actually i 
know first hand mike's a good guy coz when he did the title page for the 
'last laugh' site he very kindly said i could pay him whatever i wanted 
which was well trusting as i could easily have claimed i could only afford 
sick squid. mike will confirm i actually paid him £10,000.


ps i really want a new X-BOX, so if all those living near me could pool 
together and buy me one that'd be fantastic. i also need a new pair of 
shoes, come to think of it. and i wouldn't mind that ricky gervais 'animals' 
dvd... and some stuff from mike's site...

>From: "mattdunn" <mattdunn@ntlworld.com>
>I've come out of lurkdom for this: Mike doesn't advertise he informs us of
>what's going on. If you remember, we get advance warning of whats going to
>be available, and i believe you'll get priority in reserving limited
>editions by being part of the gathering (i may still have a clock reserved
>come to think of it - i'm still interested, just a bit skint at the 
>Don't want to start an argument, but Mike's posts are almost always 
>relevant to KJ (must admit i don't read OT stuff) and for me, advance 
>of anything KJ related is the reason i subscribe to this list.

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