[kj] OT -- R. Kelly (again)

killing joke gathering@misera.net
Thu, 29 Jan 2004 08:59:07 +0000 (GMT)

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if you ask me that pair of twats were made for each other

sade1 <saulomar1@yahoo.com> wrote:
back in the news again but this time with Michael Jackson.
(Hope they don't record as "K.J.")

"Judge tells R. Kelly to steer clear of Michael Jackson"
1 hour, 9 minutes ago

CHICAGO (AFP) - A judge in Chicago has given R-and-B star R.
Kelly permission to go to this year's Grammy awards ceremony in
Los Angeles, but on the condition that he does not associate
with pop star Michael Jackson.
Kelly, who is awaiting trial on charges of child pornography,
has been nominated as best R and B male vocal for his "Step in
the Name of Love" track off his Chocolate Factory album. 
The glittering Grammy awards ceremony will be held February 8 in
Michael Jackson has not been nominated for a Grammy this year,
but is facing charges he molested a young boy. 
The order was issued Monday by Judge Vincent Gaughan at Cook
County Circuit Court, and calls for Kelly to be back in Chicago
by February 18, according to a spokeswoman for the Cook County
prosecutors office. 


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I wanna be there when you come...

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<DIV>if you ask me that pair of twats were made for each other</DIV>
<DIV><BR><BR><B><I>sade1 &lt;saulomar1@yahoo.com&gt;</I></B> wrote:</DIV>
<BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid">back in the news again but this time with Michael Jackson.<BR>(Hope they don't record as "K.J.")<BR><BR>"Judge tells R. Kelly to steer clear of Michael Jackson"<BR>1 hour, 9 minutes ago<BR><BR>CHICAGO (AFP) - A judge in Chicago has given R-and-B star R.<BR>Kelly permission to go to this year's Grammy awards ceremony in<BR>Los Angeles, but on the condition that he does not associate<BR>with pop star Michael Jackson.<BR>Kelly, who is awaiting trial on charges of child pornography,<BR>has been nominated as best R and B male vocal for his "Step in<BR>the Name of Love" track off his Chocolate Factory album. <BR>The glittering Grammy awards ceremony will be held February 8 in<BR>California. <BR>Michael Jackson has not been nominated for a Grammy this year,<BR>but is facing charges he molested a young boy. <BR>The order was issued Monday by Judge Vincent Gaughan at Cook<BR>County Circuit
 Court, and calls for Kelly to be back in Chicago<BR>by February 18, according to a spokeswoman for the Cook County<BR>prosecutors office. <BR><BR>http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&amp;cid=1516&amp;e=1&amp;u=/afp/20040129/od_afp/us_justice_offbeat_040129000645<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>=====<BR>To all the rain and the thunder<BR>I'm headed into the sun<BR>I wanna be there when you come...<BR><BR>__________________________________<BR>Do you Yahoo!?<BR>Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free web site building tool. Try it!<BR>http://webhosting.yahoo.com/ps/sb/<BR>_______________________________________________<BR>Gathering mailing list<BR>Gathering@misera.net<BR>http://four.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/gathering</BLOCKQUOTE><p><hr size=1><font face="Arial" size="2"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">BT 
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