[kj] (OT) Danzig Knocked Out?

LONESTYLE at aol.com LONESTYLE at aol.com
Tue Jul 6 23:11:46 EDT 2004

I saw the Misfits 4 times back in their hey day  and I have to admit there 
were great live and had a lot of energy. But he  still does have that midget 
ego.-Lonely Boy
In a message dated 7/6/2004 6:58:34 PM Pacific Standard Time,  
tkennedy1999 at sbcglobal.net writes:

<STATIC AGE by the 
<Misfits is still an irrefutably **PERFECT**  record.

I think ALL the Misfits albums are good.........but he's still a  dork.  
Funny the mention of 'Static Age'.....just heard that at a bar  over the weekend - 
great song.

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