[kj] Crowley
djehuti111 at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 13 13:32:57 EDT 2004
Greetings Paul,
Ah, feels just like auld times again doesn't it? ;)
--- Paul Rangecroft <killing_j0ke at hotmail.com> wrote:
> 93 all
> yes, aleph, i'm sure everyone here is impressed with
> the cool way you rose
> above such biased, ignorant posts. you really give
> the impression of a man
> who is comfortable and confident in his beliefs. no
> hint of instability
> there!
With as much posting to the list as I do these days,
I'd think that it was obvious that I'm not big on
vying for public attention.
People can (and will) think whatever they want about
me, and I'm simply not interested in changing anyone's
mind on the topic.
> i honestly think crowley did have some spiritual
> insights, and i also
> believe he wasted them by indulging in samsaric
> pleasures.
Like spending his life chained to a computer and
lashing out at anybody who disagees with him? ;)
> but if this is
> not the case then perhaps you could enlighten
> us?
I'm also not interested in being Crowley's apologist
or in making any "converts" either.
If you're referring to experimentation with drugs or
Sex Magick (or any other methods of Initiation that
you yourself might not be familiar with) as strictly
Samsaric pleasures, then I'd encourage you to actually
read something other than the newspapers' opinions
about Crowley.
The Motto of the A.'. A.'. is "The Method of Science,
The Aim of Religion."
All of his experiments were conducted within a very
controlled environment and the results were
meticulously recorded into his diaires as a record for
anyone who followed.
If anybody's interested there are several good
biographies on the Man, the Myth and Legend that they
can read for themselves.
"Perdurabo, The life of Aliester Crowley" by Richard
Kacznyski is the best that I've read so far and much
easier to digest than Crowley's own "Confessions".
> yes, i am very unstable. for the record, i do not
> consider myself a buddhist
> in that, as you say, my behaviour often contradicts
> the teachings.
I consider myself a Thelemite, and part of those
teachings embrace certain aspects of Buddhist thought,
but I'd hesitate to call myself a Buddhist also.
> i do,
> however, believe that everything buddha said is
> true, and therefore i
> encourage people to dig deeper for themselves if
> they feel so inclined.
As do I, which is why I get discouraged when I see
intelligent people make stupid mistakes.
Never reading the Book of the Law, (which is quite
possibly THE cornerstone of Crowley's philosophy) yet
still deciding that you know enough to make an
informed opinion on the topic, and then deciding that
anybody else wants to hear what you have to say to me
seemed a bit pointless to me, so I threw in my two
Thelema isn't the path for everybody which is why I
do my best not to proselytize or set anybody
"straight" on the topic.
My opinions are my own and shouldn't concern anyone
Move along now, nothing to see here.
> in
> particular i consider geshe kelsang gyatso to be an
> authentic living
> spiritual guide.
> http://www.kadampa.org/english/index.php &
> http://www.tharpa.co.uk/books.htm
> ps pot & kettles - good one! haven't heard that one
> before.
Sorry, I've never have been on the cutting edge of
insults. ;)
> >From: Djehuti111 <djehuti111 at yahoo.com>
> >
> >Greetings Lexi,
> >
> >--- Alexi Hamilton <alexih at hotmail.com> wrote:
> > Awwww...Nicholas, you just might bring the ever
> >elusive Aleph out of hiding with this one...
> >
> > Nah, I'm not going to waste my time with
> opinionated
> >rubbish, ("Clearly, he recognised that which was
> >unclean in Crowley and didn't want him near his
> >students any more.") or paranoid superstition (
> "And
> >by the way, reading The Book of the Law might not
> be a
> >great idea.").
> >
> > And I'm certainly not going to let one of the
> most
> >imbalanced "buddhists" to ever snipe from behind a
> PC
> >get my Goat.
> >
> >("crowley was a ---- who completely wasted the
> >insights he had.")
> >
> > Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! ;)
> >
> > I'll just scrape it off my shoes and ignore the
> >stench.
> >
> > XoXoX
> > Aleph
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studded with secretive and significant stars, formed a
stupendous setting for the savage noise and blaze of
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