[kj] Potential Heresy

nicholas fitzpatrick gasw30 at hotmail.com
Fri Jul 30 12:10:47 EDT 2004

>>>i am still waiting for the sound to be done just right again. i.e. with 
>>>drums, cavernous howling twang guitar and some jovially demented 
>>>vocalist. anyone know of a band that fits that description?

Fluw, obviously you're refering to 'Wrote for Luck' by the Happy Mondays 
circa '88.

This album by the Stones: I only ever bought the eponymous single, 
Undercover. That was a good groove. Dead funky bassline in that. The smell 
of sex, the smell of suicide....    

>From: fluwdot at earthlink.net
>Reply-To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)" 
<gathering at misera.net>
>To: <gathering at misera.net>
>Subject: Re: [kj] Potential Heresy
>Date: Fri, 30 Jul 2004 11:05:39 -0400
>thanks for passing that along ale x. "too much blood" does 
have some element of geordie circa
>Fire Dances.
>technically that "element" is a "clean" tone 
embellished with chorus and delay. those two
>effects will make most melodic or arpeggiated licks sound geordie esque.
>wonder if anyone else cares to add other odd sources of fire dances era 
geordie esque tone
>like this stones ditty?
>anyway, did you notice the bass on "too much blood" has some 
of youth's disco sound and
>feel as well? i quite like it
>since the subject is up (funk disco rock stuff), it has been on my mind 
lately as i have been
>digging through old records locating funk/disco/rock gems of the late 
70's era. unfortunately,
>due to the bad rep that disco got from mainstream culture via the disco 
bonfire events, general
>racism and village people etc, the influence of disco/funk has not 
received it's due respect in
>the collective conscience, so many of the disco attempts by rock and 
jazz bands of that era
>are underrated. but i must admit, surprising, to liking much of it. take 
out the hi hat on those
>records and have the drummer play burundi drums and you have one hell of 
a sound. as kJ
>fans already know.
>lately there has been the resurgence of this disco influence (rapture, 
stellastar..etc.) but i am
>still waiting for the sound to be done just right again. i.e. with 
burundi drums, cavernous
>howling twang guitar and some jovially demented vocalist.
>anyone know of a band that fits that description?
>On 29 Jul 2004 at 11:18, Alexander Smith wrote:
> > So,  based on a discussion thread on ILM (cue collective groans), 
> > occurred to me that Keef's  guitars on "Too Much Blood" 
by the Rolling
> > Stones (from the much-maligned UNDERCOVER album from the mid-80's)
> > boast a decidedly GEORDIE-esque chime (specifically at 00:59,
> > downloaders). Really. I shit ye not. I'm thinking FIRE DANCES-era
> > specifically (think a slightly less feral "Feast of 
> >
> >
> > Check it out.
> >
> >
> > Alex in NYC
> >
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