[kj] Peter West

antifrz antifrz at alaska.net
Fri Jul 30 23:10:39 EDT 2004

yeah my trip back east was great fun,kids had great times swimming in the
ocean,ponds and swimming pools.Made it to parts all over,country land and
sea.Got to see a few bands,and made it to a few bars.aside from the
ocean,the best was visiting family & friends,got to hear a few WW2 stories
how grand pa was kicking arse,beating prisoners and such and all over a
slice of pizza,can't beat that for moments to cherrish.My bro is off for 2
years to IRAQ,so i said good bye,and watch yer arse,he said he would,about
to enter the danger zone.Life is an amusment park for now,but we wait untill
the real ride.Peace,Cliff

----- Original Message -----
From: "KILLING JOKE" <killingjoke at gmail.com>
To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)"
<gathering at misera.net>
Sent: Friday, July 30, 2004 4:10 PM
Subject: Re: [kj] Peter West

> On Fri, 30 Jul 2004 15:28:33 -0800, antifrz <antifrz at alaska.net> wrote:
> > come on ya wankers blow yer load and give us all a break already,haha
> Ok, do you want me to blow my load on your face or ass? haha
> Cheers Cliff and welcome back. Hope your trip was eventFULL
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