[kj] worst ever poll

Alexander Smith gathering@misera.net
Wed, 24 Mar 2004 17:21:06 -0500

Mik, if that's the impression of "PLEASE KILL ME" you got, you clearly 
were drunk while you were reading it. "PLEASE KILL ME" revealed Jim 
Morrison to be an idiotic, libidinous, misogynst drunk and not the 
mystical shaman-poet he'd been projecting.

Don't make me send you another copy!

Alex in NYC

On Wednesday, March 24, 2004, at 05:04 PM, Mik Raven wrote:

>> Next he'll be trying to claim that the Americans invented Punk rock!
> (c,mon Alex, it's been a while since I goaded you on that one!)
> Thought that was my argument with Alex! Next thing you know, he'll be
> sending you a book trying to prove that Jim Morrison was the father of 
> punk
> :-)
> Mik
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