[kj] Confirm...

PRAEst76 praest76 at escapism.co.uk
Wed Nov 3 06:35:27 EST 2004

The Whitehouse's current residential ghouls have already declared victory.

PRAEst76 finds himself thankful he doesn't live in the US and 
commemorates the day by donning his Confirm Your Worst Fears shirt for a 
trip to the grocers.

 From across the great ocean he could hear the sounds of liberal-types 
sobbing and tearing at their own faces... if only they could be bothered.

He wonders if Michael Moore voted, of if he just decided it was a lost 
cause and stayed home to watch his Sliders DVDs, wishing he could travel 
to another dimension where someone else had already built a bush-less 
paradise for him and he could find a girl who appreciates the chunkier guy.


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