[kj] Where's G Fawkes' Resurrection Show?

Graeme Rowland crackedmachine at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Nov 6 10:57:05 EST 2004

November 5th

Fire Dances
Killing Joke (2nd one)

One smashed window
Lots of Firewroks exploding in 
Dark Lancashire Skies

 --- Jpwhkj at aol.com wrote: 
> I spent Wednesday mostly listening to the Dead
> Kennedys. Seemed appropriate.
> This reminds me a lot of how I felt in '92 when the
> Tories got back in, only instead of just fucking up
> the UK, George W looks set to fuck up the world.
> Speakin' of republicans though - where's Yossie?
> Jamie

Cracked Machine irregular cyberzine

"What one thinks of as extremes seldom are" :: BC Gilbert

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