[kj] It's a thin line..........

Leigh Newton angrytomhanks at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 7 18:14:27 EST 2004

The Darkness are pretty much dead in the water, at
this point. I guess, the thinner the joke is, the less
amount of time people laugh at it. Fuck those
assholes. Helloween - Keeper of the Seven Keys Part
Deux, all the way!


--- "peter.west410" <peter.west410 at ntlworld.com>

> It's a thin line..........
> Between Killing Joke and the Darkness.Think about
> it.
>    They both (roughly) play the same style of music
>     They both dress up to go on stage
>    They both wear make up
>     They both try to live up to the image that they
> have created.
> The big difference is that one take themselves
> seriously whilst the others
> realise they are just a parody,And the one which
> laugh at themselves are
> hugely successful
>    PW
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