[kj] ot: Jah Wobble's English Roots Band

Patrick Davies Patrick.Davies at subsea7.com
Tue Nov 9 03:53:26 EST 2004

Ha ha! He walked away from music at one point and worked for London
Underground as an announcer. Everytime he was talking it seemed that you
just knew that voice.


Anyway, bollox, you just need to look at the history of the man to see
the variety of music he's been involved with and the different
influences he's put in his dub. On the anthology, while I like my public
image, I find it distracts from the depth of the other stuff. However
during the gig, evry now and then it was so glaringly PiL s bass even in
the English roots stuff.


E think that thee difference here is that e didn't know what to expect
with this gig. That is where the thrill came from!




-----Original Message-----
From: ade [mailto:ade at the-lab.zetnet.co.uk] 
Sent: 08 November 2004 21:32
To: 'A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)'
Subject: RE: [kj] ot: Jah Wobble's English Roots Band
Importance: High


I saw him a couple of years ago (thankfully supporting Thee Majesty) up
in Preston.


I thought the guy a total egomaniac. Using reed instruments to appear a
little 'different', whilst just

playing drones, etc. on them. In fact, they were *all* playing drones /
fanned-in guitar, etc. Emperors

new clothes. Yawn. And all that on-stage conducting! Who on earth does
that man think he is???


I expected more.


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